New Zealand locations within Southland

46 South, Southland


Aan River, Southland

Aan River, Southland

Abbott Passage, Southland

Abrahams Bay, Southland

Abrahams Bay Hunters Hut, Southland

Abrahams Bosom, Southland

Access Peak, Southland

Acheron Anchorage, Southland

Acheron Lakes, Southland

Acheron Passage, Southland

Ackers Point, Southland

Acton Downs, Southland

Acton Meadows, Southland

Acton Stream, Southland

Acton Stream, Southland

Acton Stream, Southland

Acton Stream, Southland

Adam Head, Southland

Adams Burn, Southland

Adams Hill, Southland

Adelaide Peak, Southland

Adelaide Saddle, Southland

Adieu Point, Southland

Adventure Hill, Southland

Age Glacier, Southland

Aiguille Rouge, Southland

Alabaster Creek, Southland

Alabaster Pass, Southland

Alarm Mountain, Southland

Albert Edward Peak, Southland

Albert Peak, Southland

Albion Inlet, Southland

Alderson Falls, Southland

Alexander, Southland

Alexander Peak, Southland

Alice Falls, Southland

Alice Peak, Southland

Alice Peaks, Southland

All Round Peak, Southland

Allandale, Southland

Allans Point, Southland

Allen Creek, Southland

Allen Creek, Southland

Allen Creek, Southland

Alton Burn, Southland

Alton Burn, Southland

Altrive, Southland

Amazon Cove, Southland

Anchor Island, Southland

Anchor Island Harbour, Southland

Anchor Point, Southland

Anchorage Arm, Southland

Anchorage Cove, Southland

Anchorage Cove, Southland

Anchorage Island, Southland

Anchorage Island, Southland

Anderson Park, Southland

Andrew Burn, Southland

Andrew Rees Hut, Southland

Anehu Stream, Southland

Angle Peak, Southland

Angus Burn, Southland

Angus Burn, Southland

Anita Bay, Southland

Annear Creek, Southland

Annick Peak, Southland

Antara, Southland

Anxiety Point, Southland

Aparima, Southland

Aparima Forks Hut, Southland

Aparima Huts, Southland

Aparima Peaks, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River, Southland

Aparima River South Branch, Southland

Apirana Peak, Southland

Appleby, Southland

Archer Point, Southland

Ardeer Burn, Southland

Ardeer Peak, Southland

Ardgowan, Southland

Ardlussa, Southland

Ardlussa Park, Southland

Ardneil Peak, Southland

Ardno, Southland

Ardross, Southland

Argyle, Southland

Argyle Burn, Southland

Argyle Burn, Southland

Argyle Burn, Southland

Argyle Burn, Southland

Argyle Corner, Southland

Argyle Hill, Southland

Argyle Station, Southland

Ark, Southland

Army Hut, Southland

Arnett Peak, Southland

Arnetts Creek, Southland

Arran Island, Southland

Arthur Creek, Southland

Arthur River, Southland

Arthur River, Southland

Arthur River, Southland

Arthurton, Southland

Ascot Park Raceway, Southland

Ascott Stud, Southland

Ashers, Southland

Ashton Burn, Southland

Ashton Burn, Southland

Ashton Hut, Southland

Ashvale, Southland

Astelia Stream, Southland

Astronomer Point, Southland

Athol, Southland

Aubrey Peak, Southland

Aurora Point, Southland

Auroral radar site, Southland

Austral Creek, Southland

Austral Creek, Southland

Avenal, Southland

Avenue of Disappearing Mountain, Southland

Avondale, Southland

Awarua, Southland

Awarua Bay, Southland

Awarua Bay, Southland

Awarua Bay, Southland

Awarua Plains, Southland

Awarua Plains, Southland

Awarua Point, Southland

Awarua River, Southland

Awarua River, Southland

Awatata, Southland

Awatere, Southland

Awe Burn, Southland

Awe Burn, Southland

Ayr Creek, Southland





Back Beach, Southland

Back Creek, Southland

Back Valley, Southland

Back Valley Hut, Southland

Bad Passage, Southland

Bairds Bush, Southland

Baker Park, Southland

Bald Cone, Southland

Bald Hill, Southland

Bald Hill, Southland

Bald Hill, Southland

Bald Peaks, Southland

Balfour, Southland

Balgowan, Southland

Balleny Reef, Southland

Balloon Loop, Southland

Barclay Rock, Southland

Barcoo Bush, Southland

Barcoo Hut, Southland

Bare Cone, Southland

Bare Creek, Southland

Bare Hill, Southland

Bare Peak, Southland

Barnhill Creek, Southland

Barracouta Point, Southland

Barren Peak, Southland

Barrier Falls, Southland

Barrier Ice Stream, Southland

Barrier Knob, Southland

Barrier Peak, Southland

Barrier Peak, Southland

Barrier Peaks, Southland

Barrier River, Southland

Barrier River North Branch, Southland

Barrier River South Branch, Southland

Barrier Stream, Southland

Barrington Peak, Southland

Basin Creek, Southland

Basin Creek, Southland

Basin Peak, Southland

Bastion Burn, Southland

Bathing Beach, Southland

Battlement Peak, Southland

Bauza Island, Southland

Bay Rock, Southland

Bayswater, Southland

Beach Harbour, Southland

Beacon, Southland

Beatrice Peaks, Southland

Beaumont, Southland

Beaumont Creek, Southland

Beaumont Downs, Southland

Beaumont Hill, Southland

Becketts Hut, Southland

Bedivere Falls, Southland

Beehive, Southland

Beehives, Southland

Behind Peaks, Southland

Bell Brook, Southland

Bell Mount, Southland

Bell Point, Southland

Bell Rock, Southland

Belle Vue Island, Southland

Belltopper Falls, Southland

Bellvue, Southland

Bellwyn, Southland

Belmont, Southland

Ben Bolt, Southland

Ben Callum, Southland

Ben More, Southland

Bench Island, Southland

Bench Island, Southland

Bend Point, Southland

Benio, Southland

Benmore, Southland

Bens Bay, Southland

Benson Peak, Southland

Benton Peak, Southland

Beresford Pass, Southland

Beresford Peak, Southland

Bernard Burn, Southland

Bernsleigh, Southland

Bessie Burn, Southland

Betsy Island, Southland

Betty Peak, Southland

Big Bay, Southland

Big Bay, Southland

Big Bay Hut, Southland

Big Bight, Southland

Big Bungaree Beach, Southland

Big Glory Bay, Southland

Big Glory Bay, Southland

Big Hellfire Beach, Southland

Big Hellfire Hut, Southland

Big Hill, Southland

Big Island, Southland

Big Jungle Creek, Southland

Big Kuri Bay, Southland

Big Lagoon, Southland

Big River, Southland

Big River, Southland

Big River, Southland

Big River, Southland

Big Rock, Southland

Big Sand Pass, Southland

Big Sandhill, Southland

Big Ship Passage, Southland

Big Totara Walking Track, Southland

Billy Burn, Southland

Birchlea, Southland

Birchwood, Southland

Birchwood, Southland

Bird Island, Southland

Birley Pass, Southland

Bishop Burn, Southland

Bishop and Clerks Islands, Southland

Black Cone, Southland

Black Creek, Southland

Black Giants, Southland

Black Gorge, Southland

Black Hill, Southland

Black Hill, Southland

Black Horn, Southland

Black Hut, Southland

Black Lake, Southland

Black Mount, Southland

Black Point, Southland

Black Point, Southland

Black Point, Southland

Black Rock, Southland

Black Rock Point, Southland

Blacklock Stream, Southland

Blackmount, Southland

Blackmount, Southland

Blackwater Homestead, Southland

Blaikies Creek, Southland

Blaikies Hill, Southland

Blandmange Rock, Southland

Blanket Bay, Southland

Bleak Hill, Southland

Bligh Sound, Southland

Bligh Sound, Southland

Blind Passage, Southland

Blockade Peak, Southland

Blockade Stream, Southland

Blockade Stream, Southland

Blue Cod Bay, Southland

Blue Gum Island, Southland

Blue Lake, Southland

Blue Lake Creek, Southland

Blue Lake Huts, Southland

Bluegum Point, Southland

Bluff, Southland

Bluff Harbour, Southland

Bluff Harbour, Southland

Blyth, Southland

Boat Cove, Southland

Boat Group, Southland

Boat Harbour, Southland

Boat Harbour, Southland

Boat Passage, Southland

Boat Passage Islands, Southland

Boat Rock, Southland

Boatshed Hut, Southland

Bobs Point, Southland

Bog Burn, Southland

Bog Burn, Southland

Bog Burn, Southland

Bog Burn, Southland

Bog Lake, Southland

Boggy Creek, Southland

Boggy Saddle, Southland

Bogle Creek, Southland

Bombay Rock, Southland

Borland Bivouac, Southland

Borland Burn, Southland

Borland Burn, Southland

Borland Burn Middle Branch, Southland

Borland Burn North Branch, Southland

Borland Burn South Branch, Southland

Borland Lodge, Southland

Boulder Basin, Southland

Boulder Beach, Southland

Boulder Point, Southland

Boulder Reach, Southland

Boundary, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Creek, Southland

Boundary Hut, Southland

Bounty Haven, Southland

Bowels of the Earth, Southland

Bowen Channel, Southland

Bowen Channel, Southland

Bowen Col, Southland

Bowen Falls, Southland

Bowen River, Southland

Bowen River, Southland

Bowmar Falls, Southland

Boyd Creek, Southland

Bradshaw Sound, Southland

Brae Burn, Southland

Braeburn, Southland

Braemore, Southland

Braeside, Southland

Bragg Bay, Southland

Bragg Point, Southland

Braida Crags, Southland

Branxholme, Southland

Brasell Point, Southland

Bravo Island, Southland

Braxton, Southland

Braxton Burn, Southland

Braxton Burn, Southland

Braxton Hill, Southland

Break My Neck, Southland

Breakdown Creek, Southland

Breaker Point, Southland

Breaksea Island, Southland

Breaksea Islands, Southland

Breaksea Islands, Southland

Breaksea Sound, Southland

Breaksea Sound, Southland

Breaksea Sound, Southland

Brentleigh, Southland

Bridesdale, Southland

Bridge Creek, Southland

Bridget Point, Southland

Brig Point, Southland

Brig Rock, Southland

Brighams Leap, Southland

Bright Water Spring, Southland

Broad Bay, Southland

Broad Head, Southland

Broadacres, Southland

Broadgate, Southland

Broadlands, Southland

Broadlands, Southland

Broadlands, Southland

Broadlands Bush, Southland

Broadview, Southland

Brod Bay, Southland

Brod Bay Shelter, Southland

Broke-adrift Passage, Southland

Brokenshore Bay, Southland

Brooklands, Southland

Brooklea Farm, Southland

Broughton Arm, Southland

Broughton Arm, Southland

Brown Peak, Southland

Brown Point, Southland

Browne Falls, Southland

Browns, Southland

Browns Garden, Southland

Brunel Peaks, Southland

Brunel Peaks, Southland

Brunel Peaks, Southland

Bryce Burn, Southland

Bryce Burn, Southland

Brydone, Southland

Buchanan Creek, Southland

Buckton Creek, Southland

Bull Basin, Southland

Bull Creek, Southland

Bull Creek, Southland

Bull Point, Southland

Bull and Cow, Southland

Buller Bay, Southland

Bullers Creek, Southland

Bullers Point (Anglem), Southland

Bulling Bay, Southland

Bullock Head Creek, Southland

Bully Creek, Southland

Buncrana Island, Southland

Bungaree Hut, Southland

Bunker Islets, Southland

Burial Cove, Southland

Burial I, Southland

Burndale, Southland

Burnett Point, Southland

Burnside, Southland

Burnt Island, Southland

Burnt Point, Southland

Burt Flat, Southland

Burwood, Southland

Bus Stop Shelter, Southland

Bush Cone, Southland

Bush Huts, Southland

Bush Siding, Southland

Bushwood Farm, Southland

Bushy Creek, Southland

Bushy Creek, Southland

Bushy Park, Southland

Bushy Point, Southland

Bute Island, Southland

Butlers Bush, Southland

Butlers Creek, Southland

Buttercup Lake, Southland

Butterfield Beach, Southland

Bypass Stream, Southland






Caberfeidh, Southland

Caddon Burn, Southland

Cainard, Southland

Cairn Peak, Southland

Cairn Peak, Southland

Calderbank, Southland

Calderwood Peninsula, Southland

Calm Bay, Southland

Calm Peak, Southland

Camel Backs, Southland

Camelot River, Southland

Camera Flat, Southland

Cameron Creek, Southland

Cameron Stream, Southland

Camerons Creek, Southland

Camp Bay, Southland

Camp Creek, Southland

Camp Hill, Southland

Camp Oven Creek, Southland

Camp Oven Falls, Southland

Campbell Creek, Southland

Campbell Creek, Southland

Campbell Creek, Southland

Campbells Creek, Southland

Canton Bridge, Southland

Canyon Creek, Southland

Cape Providence, Southland

Caples Creek, Southland

Captain Stirling Grave, Southland

Careys Hut, Southland

Caroline, Southland

Caroline, Southland

Caroline Bay, Southland

Caroline Burn, Southland

Caroline Burn, Southland

Caroline Hut, Southland

Caroline Peak, Southland

Caroline Point, Southland

Carran Creek, Southland

Carrick River, Southland

Carrick River, Southland

Carter Passage, Southland

Cascada Bay, Southland

Cascade Basin, Southland

Cascade Creek, Southland

Cascade Creek, Southland

Cascade Peak, Southland

Cascade Stream, Southland

Castle Downs Swamp, Southland

Castle Downs Swamp, Southland

Castle Hill, Southland

Castle Hill, Southland

Castle Mount, Southland

Castle River, Southland

Castle River, Southland

Castle Rock, Southland

Castle Rock, Southland

Castlerock, Southland

Castoff Point, Southland

Caswell Sound, Southland

Caswell Sound Hut, Southland

Cathedral Peaks, Southland

Catherine Island, Southland

Caton Peak, Southland

Catseye Bay, Southland

Catseye Saddle, Southland

Cattle Flat, Southland

Cattle Flat Station, Southland

Cavalier Creek, Southland

Cavalier Hunters Hut, Southland

Cave Point, Southland

Cavellia Head, Southland

Cavendish River, Southland

Cavendish River, Southland

Cavendish River, Southland

Cavern Head, Southland

Cemetery Island, Southland

Cemetery Point, Southland

Centre Burn, Southland

Centre Burn, Southland

Centre Bush, Southland

Centre Hill, Southland

Centre Hill, Southland

Centre Hill Station, Southland

Centre Island, Southland

Centre Pass, Southland

Centre Ridge, Southland

Centre Spur, Southland

Cessnock, Southland

Chair Creek, Southland

Chalky Inlet, Southland

Chalky Island, Southland

Chalky Point, Southland

Charcoal Creek, Southland

Charles Sound, Southland

Charlies Place, Southland

Charlton, Southland

Charlton Stream, Southland

Chase Head, Southland

Chasland Head, Southland

Chasm Creek, Southland

Chatham Point, Southland

Chatton, Southland

Chatton North, Southland

Chester Burn, Southland

Chesterhills, Southland

Cheviot Downs, Southland

Cheviot Downs Hut, Southland

Cheviot Hills, Southland

Chew Tobacco Bay, Southland

Chew Tobacco Creek, Southland

Chew Tobacco Hunters Hut, Southland

Chew Tobacco Point, Southland

Chewings Creek, Southland

Chimney, Southland

Chimney, Southland

Chimney Gully, Southland

Chimney Peaks, Southland

Christie Falls, Southland

Christies Hut, Southland

Christmas Hill, Southland

Christmas Village Bay, Southland

Christmas Village Hunters Hut, Southland

Christmas Village Hut, Southland

Chrome Creek, Southland

Circle Cove, Southland

Cirque Creek, Southland

Cirque Peak, Southland

Clare Peak, Southland

Clark Cascade, Southland

Clark Hut - A Frame, Southland

Cleddau River, Southland

Cleddau River, Southland

Cleddau River North Branch, Southland

Cleddau River South Branch, Southland

Cleddau River West Branch, Southland

Cleft Creek, Southland

Cleft Creek, Southland

Cleft Point, Southland

Cleughearn Peak, Southland

Cleve Garth Falls, Southland

Clifden, Southland

Cliff Cove, Southland

Clifton, Southland

Clinker Hill, Southland

Clinton Canyon, Southland

Clinton Hut, Southland

Clinton River, Southland

Clinton River North Branch, Southland

Clinton River West Branch, Southland

Cloudy Pass, Southland

Cloverhead, Southland

Clunes Stream, Southland

Coal Burn, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Creek, Southland

Coal Hill, Southland

Coal Island, Southland

Coal Island, Southland

Coal Pit Flat, Southland

Coal River, Southland

Coal River, Southland

Coal Stream, Southland

Coalbrook, Southland

Cockburn Incline, Southland

Cockburn Stream, Southland

Codfish Island (Whenuahou), Southland

Colac Bay/Oraka, Southland

Colac Bay/Oraka, Southland

Cold Peak, Southland

Colgrain, Southland

College Stream, Southland

Colonial Head, Southland

Colt Head, Southland

Colyers Island, Southland

Command Peak, Southland

Commander Peak, Southland

Commissioner Gully, Southland

Common Head, Southland

Cone Burn, Southland

Cone Peak, Southland

Cone Peak, Southland

Conical Hill, Southland

Conical Hill, Southland

Consolation Peak, Southland

Cooey Bay, Southland

Cook Arm, Southland

Cook Channel, Southland

Cook Channel, Southland

Cook Channel, Southland

Cook Channel, Southland

Cook Ck, Southland

Cook Creek, Southland

Cook Stream, Southland

Cooper Island, Southland

Coote Hill, Southland

Cora Lynn Falls, Southland

Coral Bluff, Southland

Cording Islands, Southland

Corinna Peak, Southland

Cormorant Cove, Southland

Corner Peaks, Southland

Coronation Peak, Southland

Cosy Dell, Southland

Cosy Nook, Southland

Couloir Peak, Southland

Countess Peak, Southland

Coupar Bay, Southland

Courtenay Peak, Southland

Cow Island, Southland

Cow Saddle, Southland

Cow and Calf Point, Southland

Cowans Creek, Southland

Cowshed Hut, Southland

Cozette Burn, Southland

Crag Point, Southland

Cragie Glen, Southland

Craigie Hill, Southland

Crampon Pass, Southland

Crawfords, Southland

Crayfish Creek, Southland

Crayfish Heights, Southland

Crayfish Island, Southland

Crayfish Island, Southland

Crayfish Rock, Southland

Crescent Lake, Southland

Crescent Stream, Southland

Cromarty, Southland

Crombie Stream, Southland

Crombie Stream, Southland

Cromel Base Hut, Southland

Cromel Branch Hut, Southland

Cromel Stream, Southland

Cromel Stream, Southland

Cromel Stream, Southland

Crooked Arm, Southland

Crooked Arm, Southland

Crooked Arm, Southland

Crosshill Gully Stream, Southland

Crown Lea, Southland

Croydon, Southland

Croydon Bush, Southland

Cumbrae Island, Southland

Cunaris Sound, Southland

Cupola, Southland

Curio Bay, Southland

Curio Bay, Southland

Curlew Island, Southland

Cuttle Cove, Southland

Cutty Grass Flat, Southland






DEAN FOREST, Southland

DEAN FOREST, Southland

DEAN FOREST, Southland

DEAN FOREST, Southland




Dacre, Southland

Daffodil Bay, Southland

Dagg Sound, Southland

Dale Creek, Southland

Dale Farm, Southland

Dale Hill, Southland

Dale Point, Southland

Dalkeith, Southland

Dalmore, Southland

Dana Peaks, Southland

Danby Hill, Southland

Dark River, Southland

Dark River, Southland

Darkness Peak, Southland

Darran Pass, Southland

Dashwood Stream, Southland

Davaar, Southland

David Peaks, Southland

Davidson Head, Southland

Dawson Burn, Southland

De Lambert Falls, Southland

Dead Man Beach, Southland

Deadmans Bluff, Southland

Deadmans Point, Southland

Deadmans Track, Southland

Deadwood Creek, Southland

Deadwood Flat, Southland

Deadwood Lagoon, Southland

Dean Burn, Southland

Dean Burn, Southland

Dean Burn, Southland

Dean Hill, Southland

Deas Cove, Southland

Deas Cove Hut, Southland

Deep Bay, Southland

Deep Bay, Southland

Deep Cove, Southland

Deep Creek, Southland

Deep Creek, Southland

Deep Stream, Southland

Deepwater Basin, Southland

Deer Flat, Southland

Dell Burn, Southland

Delta Burn, Southland

Demon Gap Icefall, Southland

Demon Trail, Southland

Demon Trail Hut, Southland

Depth Peak, Southland

Detention Cove, Southland

Devils Armchair, Southland

Diamond Creek, Southland

Diamond Creek, Southland

Digger Creek, Southland

Diggers Creek, Southland

Diggers Creek, Southland

Diggers Hill, Southland

Diggers Hut, Southland

Dilston Stream, Southland

Dinghy Cove, Southland

Diorite Stream, Southland

Diprose Bay, Southland

Dipton, Southland

Dipton Stream, Southland

Dipton Stream, Southland

Dipton Stream, Southland

Dipton West, Southland

Dirty Island, Southland

Disappearing Peaks, Southland

Disappointment Cove, Southland

Disappointment Cove, Southland

Disappointment Creek, Southland

Disaster Burn, Southland

Discovery Point, Southland

Divide Creek, Southland

Divide Head, Southland

Dock Bay, Southland

Dodgers Bay, Southland

Dog Box Bivouac, Southland

Dog Box Creek, Southland

Dog Island, Southland

Dog Point, Southland

Dolamore Park, Southland

Dome Burn, Southland

Dome Burn, Southland

Dome Burn, Southland

Dome Burn, Southland

Dome Burn, Southland

Dome Creek, Southland

Dome Creek, Southland

Dome Hut, Southland

Dome Islands, Southland

Domeburn, Southland

Don Creek, Southland

Donne Glacier, Southland

Donne River, Southland

Donne River, Southland

Donovan Park, Southland

Doon River, Southland

Dore Pass, Southland

Dorizac Falls, Southland

Dornoch Burn, Southland

Dot Island, Southland

Double Creek, Southland

Double Lakes, Southland

Double Peak, Southland

Doubtboy Bay Hut, Southland

Doubtful Island, Southland

Doubtful Sound / Patea, Southland

Doubtful Sound/Patea, Southland

Doughboy Bay, Southland

Doughboy Bay Hut, Southland

Doughboy Creek, Southland

Doughboy Creek, Southland

Doughboy Hill, Southland

Douglas Bush, Southland

Driftwood Cove, Southland

Drop Point, Southland

Drowning Creek, Southland

Drummond, Southland

Dry Awarua River, Southland

Dryad Island, Southland

Duck Cove, Southland

Duck Creek, Southland

Duck Creek, Southland

Duck Creek, Southland

Duck Creek, Southland

Dummys Beach, Southland

Dummys Beach Creek, Southland

Dumpling Hill, Southland

Dumpling Hut, Southland

Dunblane, Southland

Duncalf Point, Southland

Duncans Seat, Southland

Dundas Harbour, Southland

Dunearn, Southland

Dunlop Stream, Southland

Dunlop Stream, Southland

Dunluce, Southland

Dunrobin Station, Southland

Dunrobin Valley, Southland

Dunsdale, Southland

Dunsdale Stream, Southland

Dunsdale Stream, Southland

Dunsterville Peaks, Southland

Dunton Creek, Southland

Dunton Peak, Southland

Dunton Swamp, Southland

Durwards Creek, Southland

Dusky Sound, Southland

Dusky Sound, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dusky Track, Southland

Dynamite Point, Southland



EYRE FOREST, Southland



Earland Falls, Southland

Earshell Cove, Southland

East Cape/Koromere, Southland

East Chatton, Southland

East Cove, Southland

East Dome, Southland

East Dome, Southland

East End, Southland

East End, Southland

East Gore, Southland

East Jubilee Stream, Southland

East Peak, Southland

East Peak, Southland

East Peak, Southland

East Peak, Southland

East Peak, Southland

East Point, Southland

East Ruggedy Beach, Southland

East Ruggedy Hut, Southland

East Shoulder, Southland

East Smoky Beach, Southland

Eastern Bay, Southland

Eastern Bay, Southland

Eastern Bush, Southland

Eastern Bush, Southland

Eastern Passage, Southland

Easy Harbour, Southland

Echo Cliffs, Southland

Edendale, Southland

Edenglen, Southland

Edge Peak, Southland

Edith River, Southland

Edith River, Southland

Edith Saddle, Southland

Edwardson Sound, Southland

Edwardson Sound, Southland

Edwin Burn, Southland

Edwin Burn, Southland

Edwin Burn Viaduct, Southland

Eel Creek, Southland

Eel Creek, Southland

Eel Creek, Southland

Eel Creek Hut, Southland

Eglinton Flat, Southland

Eglinton River, Southland

Eglinton River, Southland

Eglinton River East Branch, Southland

Eglinton River East Branch, Southland

Eglinton River West Branch, Southland

Eglinton River West Branch, Southland

Egremont, Southland

Elaine Stream, Southland

Elbow Creek, Southland

Elbow Head, Southland

Elderlea, Southland

Eldrig Peak, Southland

Eleanor Island, Southland

Electric River, Southland

Electric River, Southland

Elespie, Southland

Elizabeth Island, Southland

Elizabeth River, Southland

Ellis Creek, Southland

Elm Tree Creek, Southland

Elm Tree Creek (East Branch), Southland

Elm Tree Creek (West Branch), Southland

Elmwood, Southland

Emelius Arm, Southland

Emerald Stream, Southland

Emerald Stream, Southland

Emerald Stream, Southland

Emily Pass, Southland

End Peak, Southland

End Peak, Southland

Entrance Island, Southland

Entrance Island, Southland

Entry Island, Southland

Entry Island, Southland

Epidore Cataract, Southland

Epilshay, Southland

Erin Island, Southland

Ermedale, Southland

Ernest Island, Southland

Ernest Islands, Southland

Escape Cove, Southland

Escape Reefs, Southland

Esk Burn, Southland

Esk Saddle, Southland

Esperance River, Southland

Espinosa Point, Southland

Etal Hill, Southland

Etal Stream, Southland

Etalvale Station, Southland

Ethne Saddle, Southland

Ethne Stream, Southland

Ettrick Burn, Southland

Ettrick Burn, Southland

Euchre Creek, Southland

Evans Head, Southland

Evans Peak, Southland

Evening Cove, Southland

Evening Cove, Southland

Evening Point, Southland

Evergreen Farm, Southland

Ewandale, Southland

Ewe Burn, Southland

Ewe Ridge, Southland

Eweburn Farm, Southland

Excelsior Creek, Southland

Excelsior Peak, Southland

Expectation Stream, Southland

Expedition Peak, Southland

Eyre Creek, Southland

Eyre Creek, Southland

Eyre Creek, Southland

Eyre Creek, Southland





Facile Harbour, Southland

Fair View, Southland

Fairfax, Southland

Fairlight, Southland

Fairlight Station, Southland

Fairplace Station, Southland

Fairy Beach, Southland

Faith Hope and Charity Group, Southland

Falls Creek, Southland

Falls Creek, Southland

Falls Creek, Southland

False Easy Harbour, Southland

False Lake, Southland

Family Peaks, Southland

Fannin Bay, Southland

Fanny Bay, Southland

Fanny Island, Southland

Farrell Peak, Southland

Fast Rock, Southland

Febrero Point, Southland

Feldspar Point, Southland

Feldspar Stream, Southland

Feldwick, Southland

Fenham Creek, Southland

Fergusson Island, Southland

Fermoy, Southland

Fern Gully, Southland

Fern Hill, Southland

Ferndale, Southland

Ferndunlaw, Southland

Fernlea, Southland

Fiddlers Point, Southland

Fiery Col, Southland

Fiery Creek, Southland

Fiery Creek, Southland

Fiery Peak, Southland

Fife Rock, Southland

Fifes Creek, Southland

Fifes Point, Southland

Fifteen Mile Creek, Southland

Finger Rocks, Southland

Firewood Bush, Southland

Firewood Creek, Southland

First Arm, Southland

First Cove, Southland

Fish Creek, Southland

Fish Rock, Southland

Fisherman Bay, Southland

Fisherman Point, Southland

Fishing Bay, Southland

Five Fingers Peninsula, Southland

Five Fingers Point, Southland

Five Rivers, Southland

Five Rivers, Southland

Five Roads, Southland

Fixed Head, Southland

Flagstaff, Southland

Flagstaff Point, Southland

Flamborough Head, Southland

Flat Hill, Southland

Flat Hill, Southland

Flat Mount, Southland

Flat Point, Southland

Flat Rock, Southland

Flat Rock, Southland

Flat Top Peak, Southland

Flaxy Creek, Southland

Flaxy Creek, Southland

Flaxy Head, Southland

Flaxy Hut, Southland

Flecked Peak, Southland

Fleetwood Peak, Southland

Flemming, Southland

Florence Stream, Southland

Florence Stream, Southland

Florence Stream North Branch, Southland

Flour Cask Bay, Southland

Flower Fall, Southland

Fly Point, Southland

Foals Stream, Southland

Fohn, Southland

Fohn Lakes, Southland

Fohn Saddle, Southland

Foliage Head, Southland

Foliage Hill, Southland

Foot Arm, Southland

Footstool, Southland

Ford Bridge, Southland

Forden Peak, Southland

Forest Burn, Southland

Forest Burn, Southland

Forest Burn, Southland

Forest Burn, Southland

Forest Burn Shelter, Southland

Forest Hill, Southland

Forest Hill Reserve, Southland

Forgotten Peak, Southland

Forgotten River, Southland

Forgotten River Col, Southland

Forked Creek, Southland

Forks Hut, Southland

Forster Burn, Southland

Fortification, Southland

Fortification Hill, Southland

Fortrose, Southland

Forward Peak, Southland

Fosbender Park, Southland

Fosters Creek, Southland

Four Brothers Pass, Southland

Four Mile Point, Southland

Foveaux Strait, Southland

Foveaux Strait, Southland

Foveaux Strait, Southland

Foveaux Strait, Southland

Foveaux Walkway, Southland

Fowler Pass, Southland

Fowler Stream, Southland

Fowler Stream, Southland

Fowlers Arm, Southland

Fox Point, Southland

Francis Burn, Southland

Francis Burn, Southland

Francis Burn Viaduct, Southland

Franks Bay, Southland

Frazers Beach, Southland

Frazers Beach, Southland

Fred Burn, Southland

Fred Burn, Southland

Fred Burn, Southland

Freds Camp Hut, Southland

Freedom Acres, Southland

Freeman Burn, Southland

Freeman Burn, Southland

Freeman Burn, Southland

Freeman Burn Hut, Southland

Freestone Farm, Southland

Freestone Hill, Southland

Frenchman Peak, Southland

Frenchmans Beach, Southland

Freshford, Southland

Freshwater Basin, Southland

Freshwater Hut, Southland

Freshwater River, Southland

Freshwater River, Southland

Friendship Head, Southland

Fright Cove, Southland

Front Islands, Southland

Fryer Creek, Southland

Fuchsia Bay, Southland

Furkert Pass, Southland

Futtah Gully, Southland



GORE, Southland

Gaer Arm, Southland

Gair Loch, Southland

Galehill Farms, Southland

Gampsie Downs, Southland

Gap Creek, Southland

Gap Road, Southland

Garden Gully, Southland

Garden Islands, Southland

Garden Mound, Southland

Garden Point, Southland

Garden Point, Southland

Gardener Head, Southland

Gardiners Creek, Southland

Gardner Burn, Southland

Garnet Bay, Southland

Garnet Rock, Southland

Garnock Burn, Southland

Garnock Burn, Southland

Garston, Southland

Garvie Burn, Southland

Garvie Burn, Southland

Gates Harbour, Southland

Gentian Cove, Southland

George Bay, Southland

George River, Southland

George River, Southland

George Sound, Southland

George Sound, Southland

George Sound, Southland

George Sound, Southland

George Sound Hut, Southland

Georgetown, Southland

Gerald Peak, Southland

Gertrude Saddle, Southland

Gertrude Valley, Southland

Giant Gate Falls, Southland

Giants Gate Shelter, Southland

Gibraltar Burn, Southland

Gibraltar Hill, Southland

Gifford Gap, Southland

Gilbert Islands, Southland

Gillies Spur, Southland

Gilmour Burn, Southland

Girlies Island, Southland

Glacier Creek, Southland

Glade Burn, Southland

Glade House, Southland

Glade Pass, Southland

Gladfield, Southland

Gladstone, Southland

Gladstone Peak, Southland

Glaisnock Hut, Southland

Glaisnock River, Southland

Glaisnock River, Southland

Glaisnock River, Southland

Glen Airlie, Southland

Glen Alpin Pass, Southland

Glen Echo, Southland

Glen Isla, Southland

Glen Mackie, Southland

Glen Monarch, Southland

Glenaray, Southland

Glenbrae Farm, Southland

Glencairn, Southland

Glencoe, Southland

Glendearg, Southland

Glendoran, Southland

Gleneden, Southland

Glenelg, Southland

Glenfellen, Southland

Glenfern, Southland

Glenfield, Southland

Glenford Lodge, Southland

Glengarry, Southland

Glengarry Peak, Southland

Glenham, Southland

Glenislay, Southland

Glenlapa, Southland

Glenquoich, Southland

Glenshee Downs, Southland

Glenure, Southland

Glory Cove, Southland

Glory Track, Southland

Glynn Point, Southland

Goat Island, Southland

Gog, Southland

Gold Arm, Southland

Gold Burn, Southland

Gold Burn East Branch, Southland

Gold Burn West Branch, Southland

Gold Creek, Southland

Gold Creek, Southland

Golden Bay, Southland

Golden Beach, Southland

Golden View, Southland

Goldie Hill, Southland

Goldsmith Gully, Southland

Goose Cove, Southland

Goose Cove, Southland

Goose Island, Southland

Gordon Stream, Southland

Gorge Burn, Southland

Gorge Burn, Southland

Gorge Creek, Southland

Gorge Creek, Southland

Gorge Creek, Southland

Gorge Creek, Southland

Gorge Falls, Southland

Gorge Hill, Southland

Gorge Road, Southland

Gorge Stream, Southland

Gow Burn, Southland

Gow Burn, Southland

Gow Burn, Southland

Gowan Bank, Southland

Gowan Hill, Southland

Grace Burn, Southland

Grace Burn, Southland

Grainger Falls, Southland

Grainger Stream, Southland

Grand View, Southland

Granite Knob, Southland

Granity Stream, Southland

Grant Burn, Southland

Grant Burn, Southland

Grasmere, Southland

Grass Burn, Southland

Grassmere, Southland

Grassridge, Southland

Grassy Creek, Southland

Grassy Creek, Southland

Grassy Creek, Southland

Grassy Downs, Southland

Grave Couloir, Southland

Grave Glacier, Southland

Grave-Talbot Pass, Southland

Gravel Cove, Southland

Gray River, Southland

Gray River, Southland

Great Island, Southland

Grebe Creek, Southland

Grebe River, Southland

Grebe River, Southland

Greemont, Southland

Green Burn, Southland

Green Island, Southland

Green Islets, Southland

Green Lake, Southland

Green Lake Hut, Southland

Green Point, Southland

Green Point, Southland

Green Valley, Southland

Greenhills, Southland

Greenpoint, Southland

Greenstone Point, Southland

Greenstone Saddle, Southland

Greenvale, Southland

Greenvale, Southland

Greenvale, Southland

Grindstone Creek, Southland

Grono Bay, Southland

Groper Island, Southland

Gropers Bush, Southland

Grove Burn, Southland

Grove Burn, Southland

Grove Bush, Southland

Guide Rock, Southland

Gulches Head, Southland

Gull Rock Point, Southland

Gulliver Peak, Southland

Gulliver River, Southland

Gulliver River, Southland

Gummies Bush, Southland

Gyrae, Southland

Gyzeh, Southland









Habukinini Creek, Southland

Habukinini Creek, Southland

Haldane, Southland

Haldane Bay, Southland

Haldane Estuary, Southland

Half Passage Rock, Southland

Halfmoon Bay, Southland

Halfmoon Bay (Oban), Southland

Halfway Hut, Southland

Halfway Peak, Southland

Halfway Peak, Southland

Halfway Rocks, Southland

Halfway Rocks, Southland

Hall Arm, Southland

Hals Bay, Southland

Halt Bay, Southland

Hamilton Burn, Southland

Hamilton Burn, Southland

Hamilton Burn, Southland

Hamilton Park, Southland

Hamley Peak, Southland

Hanging Valley Shelter, Southland

Hanging Valley Track, Southland

Hansard Point, Southland

Happy Cove, Southland

Happy Valley, Southland

Happy Valley, Southland

Hapuatuna Bay, Southland

Hapuatuna Hunters Hut, Southland

Hapuka Rock, Southland

Harbour Islands, Southland

Harbour Side, Southland

Hares Ears, Southland

Harries Bay, Southland

Harrison Cove, Southland

Harrison River, Southland

Harrison River, Southland

Harrison Saddle, Southland

Harrold Bay, Southland

Harry West Bay, Southland

Harry West Point, Southland

Harts Hill, Southland

Haulashore Cove, Southland

Hauroko Burn, Southland

Hauroko Burn, Southland

Hauroko Burn Hut, Southland

Hawea Island, Southland

Hawes Head, Southland

Hawthorndale, Southland

Hay River, Southland

Hay River, Southland

Haycocks Station, Southland

Hayden Stream, Southland

Haystack, Southland

Hazelburgh Group, Southland

Hazletts, Southland

Heale Ridge, Southland

Healeys Creek, Southland

Heartbreak Spur, Southland

Hebe Island, Southland

Heddon Bush, Southland

Hedgehope, Southland

Hedgehope Stream, Southland

Hedgehope Stream, Southland

Hedgehope Stream, Southland

Hedgehope Stream, Southland

Heel Cove, Southland

Heenans Corner, Southland

Heenans Creek, Southland

Heidelberg, Southland

Helen Peaks, Southland

Helena Arch, Southland

Helena Falls, Southland

Helena Peak, Southland

Hells Gates, Southland

Helmet Hill, Southland

Henderson Burn, Southland

Henderson Burn, Southland

Hendersons Bay, Southland

Henfield, Southland

Henrietta Bay, Southland

Henry Burn, Southland

Henry Burn, Southland

Henry Creek, Southland

Henry Pass, Southland

Henrys Flat, Southland

Herekopare Island (Te Marama), Southland

Heron Island, Southland

Heron River, Southland

Herrick Creek, Southland

Heywood Peak, Southland

Hicks Point, Southland

Hidden Burn, Southland

Hidden Creek, Southland

Hidden Falls, Southland

Hidden Falls Creek, Southland

Hidden Falls Creek, Southland

Hidden Falls Hut, Southland

Hidden Lake, Southland

Hidden Lake, Southland

Hidden Lake, Southland

Hidden Lakes Track, Southland

Hidden Springs, Southland

Hielanman, Southland

High Peak, Southland

High Point, Southland

High Rock, Southland

Highfield, Southland

Highlands, Southland

Hikuraki Station, Southland

Hilda Burn, Southland

Hillcrest, Southland

Hillcrest, Southland

Hillgrove, Southland

Hillpoint Stream, Southland

Hillside, Southland

Hillside, Southland

Hincheys Outlet, Southland

Hindley Burn, Southland

Hindley Peak, Southland

Hinerua, Southland

Hirere Falls, Southland

Hirere Shelter, Southland

Historic Clark Hut, Southland

Hoani Falls, Southland

Hokonui, Southland

Hokuri Creek, Southland

Hokuri Creek, Southland

Hokuri Hut, Southland

Holloway Peak, Southland

Holly Burn, Southland

Holly Burn, Southland

Hollyford, Southland

Hollyford Airstrip, Southland

Hollyford River/Whakatipu Ka Tuka, Southland

Hollyford River/Whakatipu Ka Tuka, Southland

Hollyford River/Whakatipu Ka Tuka, Southland

Hollyford River/Whakatipu Ka Tuka, Southland

Hollyford River/Whakatipu Ka Tuka, Southland

Hollyford Track, Southland

Hollyford Track, Southland

Hollyford Track, Southland

Hollyford Track, Southland

Hollyford Track, Southland

Holmwood Island, Southland

Home Creek, Southland

Home Creek, Southland

Home Hill, Southland

Home Stream, Southland

Homelands, Southland

Homer Hut, Southland

Homer Saddle, Southland

Homer Tunnel, Southland

Homestead Hunters Hut, Southland

Homeward, Southland

Homewood, Southland

Honeymoon Beach, Southland

Hook Peaks, Southland

Hope Arm, Southland

Hope Arm, Southland

Hope Arm Hut, Southland

Horomamae/Owen Island, Southland

Horseshoe Bay, Southland

Horseshoe Bend, Southland

Horseshoe Nugget, Southland

Horseshoe Point, Southland

Hourglass Point, Southland

Houseroof Hill, Southland

Houseroof Rock, Southland

Howells Point/Taramea, Southland

Howells Roads, Southland

Howitt Peaks, Southland

Howitts Rock, Southland

Hub Creek, Southland

Huirapa Island, Southland

Humboldt Creek, Southland

Humboldt Falls, Southland

Hump Burn, Southland

Hump Ridge, Southland

Hunter Beach, Southland

Hunter Pass, Southland

Huntleigh Falls, Southland

Hupokeka, Southland

Hurricane Col, Southland

Hurricane Passage, Southland

Hut Creek, Southland

Hut Creek, Southland

Hut Creek, Southland

Hut Creek, Southland

Hyde Holme, Southland

Hyde Home Hut, Southland


Ida Mary Waterfall, Southland

Inaccessible Creek, Southland

Inch Keith, Southland

Indecision Creek, Southland

Indian Cove, Southland

Indian Island, Southland

Inner Passage, Southland

Ino, Southland

Intervention Ridge, Southland

Intervention Saddle, Southland

Invercargill Airport, Southland

Inverlochy, Southland

Invitation Col, Southland

Iona Island, Southland

Irene Pass, Southland

Irene River, Southland

Irene River, Southland

Iris Burn, Southland

Iris Burn, Southland

Iris Burn Hut, Southland

Iron Spur, Southland

Ironwood, Southland

Irthing Hut, Southland

Irthing Stream, Southland

Irthing Stream, Southland

Irthing Stream, Southland

Isla, Southland

Isla Bank, Southland

Island Bush, Southland

Island Harbour, Southland

Island Hill Homestead, Southland

Island Lake, Southland

Islands Hut, Southland

Islet Cove, Southland

Islet Cove, Southland

Islet Point, Southland

Isolde Island, Southland

Isthmus Sound, Southland

Ives Creek, Southland

Ives Creek, Southland

Jaccka Lodge, Southland

Jacks Hill, Southland

Jackson Peaks, Southland

Jacky Lee Bay, Southland

Jacky Lee Island (Pukeokaoka), Southland

Jacobs Creek, Southland

Jacobs River Estuary, Southland

Jagged Rocks, Southland

Jail Creek, Southland

Jamestown, Southland

Jamestown Saddle, Southland

Jamieson Head, Southland

Jane Burn, Southland

Jane Coves, Southland

Jane Lake, Southland

Jane Peak, Southland

Jaquiery Pass, Southland

Jaquiery Stream, Southland

Jaquiery Stream, Southland

Jeanie Burn, Southland

Jeff Farm, Southland

Jennings Burn, Southland

Jensen Bay, Southland

Jericho Creek, Southland

Jericho Farm, Southland

Jerusalem Creek, Southland

Jerusalem Creek, Southland

Jervois Glacier, Southland

Joes River, Southland

Joes River, Southland

Joeys Island, Southland

John Islands, Southland

John O'Groats River, Southland

John Point, Southland

Jollies Hill Pass, Southland

Jordan Creek, Southland

Joseph Point, Southland

Josephville, Southland

Joss Bay, Southland

Junction Burn, Southland

Junction Burn Hut, Southland

Junction Hut, Southland

June Bay, Southland

Juno River, Southland







Kaiaho Rock, Southland

Kaihuka Island, Southland

Kaika, Southland

Kaikokopu Stream, Southland

Kaimohu Island, Southland

Kaimohu Island, Southland

Kaipipi Bay, Southland

Kaipipi Point, Southland

Kaipipi Walk, Southland

Kaipo Bay, Southland

Kaipo Hut, Southland

Kaipo River, Southland

Kaipo River, Southland

Kaipo River, Southland

Kaiporohu Bay, Southland

Kaireka, Southland

Kaituna Stream, Southland

Kaiwera, Southland

Kaiwera Stream, Southland

Kaiwera Stream, Southland

Kaiwera Stream, Southland

Kaiwera Stream East Branch, Southland

Kaiwera Stream West Branch, Southland

Kaiwera Stream West Branch, Southland

Kakapo Creek, Southland

Kakapo Hill, Southland

Kakapo Point, Southland

Kakapo Swamp, Southland

Kamahi, Southland

Kanetetoe Islands, Southland

Kangaroo Creek, Southland

Kaninihi Island, Southland

Kaninihi Point, Southland

Kapuka, Southland

Kapuka South, Southland

Karetai Peak, Southland

Karimoni Beach, Southland

Katherine Bay, Southland

Katherine Creek, Southland

Katherine Creek, Southland

Kathryn Peak, Southland

Kauana, Southland

Kawakaputa Bay, Southland

Kayview, Southland

Kea Creek, Southland

Kea-Kaki, Southland

Keenan Creek, Southland

Kellard Point, Southland

Kelly Rock, Southland

Kellys Beach, Southland

Kellys Hunters Hut, Southland

Kelp Point, Southland

Kelvin Grove, Southland

Kelvin Peak, Southland

Kelvin Stream, Southland

Kenneth Burn, Southland

Kennington, Southland

Kenny Creek, Southland

Kenny Creek, Southland

Kepler Farm, Southland

Kepler Track, Southland

Kepler Track, Southland

Kepler Track, Southland

Kepler Track, Southland

Kew, Southland

Key Peak, Southland

Key Summit, Southland

Kidney Fern Arm, Southland

Kidney Fern Island, Southland

Kilbride, Southland

Kilkerran, Southland

King Solomon Mine, Southland

Kingston Crossing, Southland

Kingswell, Southland

Kingswell Creek, Southland

Kingswood, Southland

Kintail Hut, Southland

Kintail Stream, Southland

Kinvarra, Southland

Kiosk Creek, Southland

Kirklands Creek, Southland

Kirklands Hill, Southland

Kisbee Bay, Southland

Kiwi Burn, Southland

Kiwi Burn, Southland

Kiwi Burn, Southland

Kiwi Burn, Southland

Kiwi Burn Hut, Southland

Knapdale, Southland

Knapdale Homestead, Southland

Knife and Steel Harbour, Southland

Knobby Creek, Southland

Knobs Flat, Southland

Knoll Peak, Southland

Knowsley Park, Southland

Kohatunui, Southland

Kohe Creek, Southland

Kohe Creek, Southland

Koinga Island, Southland

Koinga Peak, Southland

Kopeka Island, Southland

Kopeka River, Southland

Kopeka River, Southland

Korako Glacier, Southland

Koropuku Falls, Southland

Korowai, Southland

Kowhai Creek, Southland

Kowhai Creek, Southland

Kundy Island, Southland

Kuri Point, Southland

Kuriwai Creek, Southland

Kuriwai Creek, Southland

Kuriwao Hill, Southland

LETHAM BUSH, Southland














Lady Alice Falls, Southland

Lady Barkly, Southland

Lady Bay, Southland

Lady Burn, Southland

Lady of the Snows, Southland

Lagoon Bay, Southland

Lagoon Creek, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Ada, Southland

Lake Adelaide, Southland

Lake Agnes, Southland

Lake Alabaster Hut, Southland

Lake Alabaster/Wawahi Waka, Southland

Lake Alexander, Southland

Lake Alice, Southland

Lake Annie, Southland

Lake Astelia, Southland

Lake Beattie, Southland

Lake Beddoes, Southland

Lake Bennett, Southland

Lake Bernard, Southland

Lake Bloxham, Southland

Lake Boomerang, Southland

Lake Bright, Southland

Lake Brown, Southland

Lake Browne, Southland

Lake Brownlee, Southland

Lake Brunton, Southland

Lake Cadman, Southland

Lake Cadman, Southland

Lake Calder, Southland

Lake Carina, Southland

Lake Carrick, Southland

Lake Cecil, Southland

Lake Chamberlain, Southland

Lake Charles, Southland

Lake Clark, Southland

Lake Colwell, Southland

Lake Cook, Southland

Lake Cove, Southland

Lake Creek, Southland

Lake Dale, Southland

Lake Dobson, Southland

Lake Dora, Southland

Lake Duncan, Southland

Lake Earnshaw, Southland

Lake Echo, Southland

Lake Erskine, Southland

Lake Erskine, Southland

Lake Esau, Southland

Lake Eva, Southland

Lake Eva, Southland

Lake Eyles, Southland

Lake Eyles, Southland

Lake Fergus, Southland

Lake Forest, Southland

Lake Forster, Southland

Lake Fraser, Southland

Lake Freeman, Southland

Lake George, Southland

Lake George, Southland

Lake Gow, Southland

Lake Grave, Southland

Lake Gunn, Southland

Lake Hakapoua, Southland

Lake Hakapoua, Southland

Lake Hall, Southland

Lake Hankinson, Southland

Lake Hankinson Hut, Southland

Lake Hauroko, Southland

Lake Hauroko, Southland

Lake Hauroko, Southland

Lake Hay, Southland

Lake Hector, Southland

Lake Henry, Southland

Lake Herries, Southland

Lake Hilda, Southland

Lake Horizon, Southland

Lake Howden, Southland

Lake Howden Hut, Southland

Lake Hyslop, Southland

Lake Iceberg, Southland

Lake Iceberg, Southland

Lake Innes, Southland

Lake Ione, Southland

Lake Ione, Southland

Lake Jaquiery, Southland

Lake Kakapo, Southland

Lake Katherine, Southland

Lake Kirirua, Southland

Lake Kiwi, Southland

Lake Laffy, Southland

Lake Laura, Southland

Lake Lochie, Southland

Lake Lois, Southland

Lake Louise, Southland

Lake Lucille, Southland

Lake Lucy, Southland

Lake Luxmore, Southland

Lake Macarthur, Southland

Lake Mackenzie, Southland

Lake Mackenzie Hut, Southland

Lake Mackenzie Lodge, Southland

Lake Mackinnon, Southland

Lake Mainwaring, Southland

Lake Manapouri, Southland

Lake Mantle, Southland

Lake Marchant, Southland

Lake Marian, Southland

Lake Mariana, Southland

Lake Marianette, Southland

Lake Marshall, Southland

Lake Matilda, Southland

Lake McIvor, Southland

Lake McKerrow/Whakatipu Waitai, Southland

Lake Mike, Southland

Lake Minerva, Southland

Lake Mintaro, Southland

Lake Monk, Southland

Lake Monowai, Southland

Lake Monowai, Southland

Lake Monowai, Southland

Lake Moreton, Southland

Lake Mouat, Southland

Lake Murihiku, Southland

Lake Never, Southland

Lake Never-never, Southland

Lake Norma, Southland

Lake Norwest, Southland

Lake Ogle, Southland

Lake Orbell, Southland

Lake Pan, Southland

Lake Paradise, Southland

Lake Percy, Southland

Lake Poteriteri, Southland

Lake Poteriteri, Southland

Lake Poteriteri Hut, Southland

Lake Pukutahi, Southland

Lake Purser, Southland

Lake Quill, Southland

Lake Rakatu, Southland

Lake Richter, Southland

Lake Rimmer, Southland

Lake Roberts, Southland

Lake Roe, Southland

Lake Roe Hut, Southland

Lake Ronald, Southland

Lake Ross, Southland

Lake Roxburgh, Southland

Lake Roxburgh, Southland

Lake Saint Patrick, Southland

Lake Scott, Southland

Lake Sheila, Southland

Lake Shirley, Southland

Lake Speden, Southland

Lake Story, Southland

Lake Sumor, Southland

Lake Sutherland, Southland

Lake Swan, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Te Anau, Southland

Lake Te Aroha, Southland

Lake Te Au, Southland

Lake Te Au, Southland

Lake Thomas, Southland

Lake Thomas, Southland

Lake Thompson, Southland

Lake Thompson Hut, Southland

Lake Thomson, Southland

Lake Troup, Southland

Lake Truth, Southland

Lake Tuaraki, Southland

Lake Turner, Southland

Lake Ursula, Southland

Lake Victor, Southland

Lake Victoria, Southland

Lake View, Southland

Lake Vincent, Southland

Lake Virginia, Southland

Lake Wade, Southland

Lake Wapiti, Southland

Lake Welcome, Southland

Lake Widgeon, Southland

Lake Wilmot, Southland

Lake Wisely, Southland

Lambing Saddle, Southland

Landing Bay, Southland

Landsdown, Southland

Landslip Valley, Southland

Langer Falls, Southland

Langskaill, Southland

Larg Farm, Southland

Large Burn, Southland

Large Burn, Southland

Largs Peak, Southland

Larnach Stream, Southland

Larnachs Creek, Southland

Last Cove, Southland

Latitude Point, Southland

Lauras Leg, Southland

Leader Creek, Southland

Leader Falls, Southland

Leaning Peak, Southland

Leask Bay, Southland

Leask Creek, Southland

Leatherwood Saddle, Southland

Lee Bay, Southland

Lee Bay, Southland

Lee Cove, Southland

Lee Island, Southland

Lee Island, Southland

Lee Point, Southland

Lees Knob, Southland

Leg Head, Southland

Letham Burn, Southland

Letham Hill, Southland

Lieutenant Head, Southland

Ligar Creek, Southland

Ligar Creek, Southland

Light River, Southland

Light River, Southland

Lilburn Farm, Southland

Lill Burn, Southland

Lill Burn, Southland

Lill Burn, Southland

Limbo Glacier, Southland

Limbo Stream, Southland

Limehills, Southland

Limestone Hill, Southland

Lincoln Hill, Southland

Lincoln Hut, Southland

Linden, Southland

Linklater Bay, Southland

Lintley, Southland

Lintley Hill, Southland

Linton Creek, Southland

Lion Rock, Southland

Little Bay, Southland

Little Beach, Southland

Little Bungaree Beach, Southland

Little Cairn Peak, Southland

Little Creek, Southland

Little Glory Hunters Hut, Southland

Little Harbour, Southland

Little Hellfire Beach, Southland

Little Hill, Southland

Little Homer Falls, Southland

Little Homer Saddle, Southland

Little Island, Southland

Little Jungle Creek, Southland

Little Kaipipi Bay, Southland

Little Kuri Bay, Southland

Little Matterhorn, Southland

Little Mount Anglem, Southland

Little Red Hill, Southland

Little River, Southland

Little Solander Island, Southland

Little Wairio Hill, Southland

Little Welshmans Creek, Southland

Llawrenny Peaks, Southland

Lloyd Island, Southland

Lloyd Peak, Southland

Loch Burn, Southland

Loch Maree, Southland

Loch Maree Hut, Southland

Lochiel, Southland

Lochinvar Farm, Southland

Lone Island, Southland

Lone Pine, Southland

Lonekers Bush, Southland

Long Beach, Southland

Long Burn, Southland

Long Burn, Southland

Long Burn, Southland

Long Gully, Southland

Long Harry Bay, Southland

Long Harry Hut, Southland

Long Island, Southland

Long Island, Southland

Long Point, Southland

Long Reef, Southland

Long Reef, Southland

Long Sound, Southland

Long Valley, Southland

Long Valley, Southland

Long White Lagoon, Southland

Longbeach Creek, Southland

Longbrook, Southland

Longbush, Southland

Longlands, Southland

Longridge, Southland

Longridge, Southland

Longridge North, Southland

Longridge Stream, Southland

Longridge Stream, Southland

Longuet Creek, Southland

Longwood, Southland

Longwood, Southland

Lonnekers Beach, Southland

Lonnekers Point, Southland

Looking Glass Bay, Southland

Lookout Hill, Southland

Lookout Point, Southland

Lora, Southland

Lora, Southland

Lora Stream, Southland

Lords River Head, Southland

Lords River/Tutaekawetoweto, Southland

Lords River/Tutaekawetoweto, Southland

Lords River/Tutaekawetoweto, Southland

Lorn Peak, Southland

Lorneville, Southland

Loudon Hill, Southland

Louis Point, Southland

Low Burn, Southland

Low Peak, Southland

Lower Island Hill, Southland

Lower Princhester Hut, Southland

Lower Wairaki Hut, Southland

Lower Windley Hut, Southland

Lowrys Beach, Southland

Lowther, Southland

Lowther Downs, Southland

Lowther Peak, Southland

Lucky Beach, Southland

Lucky Point, Southland

Lugar Burn, Southland

Lugar Burn, Southland

Lumaluma Creek, Southland

Lumaluma Creek, Southland

Lumsden, Southland

Lumsden Hills, Southland

Luncheon Cove, Southland

Luncheon Rock, Southland

Luxmore Hut, Southland

Lyall Bay, Southland

Lyall Burn, Southland

Lynmore Farm, Southland

Lynwood, Southland

Lyoncross Burn, Southland

Lyttle Falls, Southland

Lyttles Dip, Southland

Lyttles Farm, Southland

Lyvia River, Southland





MAY HILLS, Southland



MOTU BUSH, Southland




Mabel Bush, Southland

Macdonell Island, Southland

Macfarlane Stream, Southland

Mackay Creek, Southland

Mackay Creek, Southland

Mackay Falls, Southland

Mackenzie Pass, Southland

Mackinnon Pass, Southland

Mackinnon Pass Shelter, Southland

Mackinnon Peaks, Southland

Mackinnons Garden, Southland

Macnamara Creek, Southland

Macpherson Pass, Southland

Macrae Point, Southland

Madagascar Beach, Southland

Madeline Creek, Southland

Madman Stream, Southland

Mag Creek, Southland

Mag Creek, Southland

Magnetic Beach, Southland

Magog, Southland

Mahara Island, Southland

Mahoe Stream, Southland

Mai Mai Gully, Southland

Maitland, Southland

Makarewa, Southland

Makarewa Junction, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa River, Southland

Makarewa Stream, Southland

Malakoff Hill, Southland

Malaspina Reach, Southland

Mallory Peak, Southland

Malton Fields, Southland

Mamaku Point, Southland

Manapouri, Southland

Manapouri, Southland

Manapouri Aerodrome, Southland

Manapouri Station, Southland

Manawahei Nugget, Southland

Mandeville, Southland

Mangaiti, Southland

Mangapiri Bush, Southland

Mangapiri Bush, Southland

Mangapiri Downs, Southland

Manning Bay, Southland

Mansion Hut, Southland

Mantle Bush, Southland

Manuka Island, Southland

Many Islands, Southland

Maori Beach, Southland

Maori Creek, Southland

Maraerua Stream, Southland

Mararoa, Southland

Mararoa Downs, Southland

Mararoa Farm, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararoa River, Southland

Mararua Bush, Southland

Marcaciones Point, Southland

Margaret Falls, Southland

Margaret Stream, Southland

Marguerite Peaks, Southland

Maria Higgins Rock, Southland

Marian Creek, Southland

Marian Creek, Southland

Marian Peak, Southland

Marinui Stream, Southland

Mariwera Stream, Southland

Marjorie Falls, Southland

Mark Point, Southland

Marrington Peaks, Southland

Marsh Burn, Southland

Marshall Pass, Southland

Marshall Rocks, Southland

Martin's Hut, Southland

Martins Bay, Southland

Martins Bay Hut, Southland

Martins Bay Lodge, Southland

Martins Creek, Southland

Martins Creek Hunters Hut, Southland

Mary Island, Southland

Mary Peaks, Southland

Mason Bay, Southland

Mason Bay, Southland

Mason Bay Hut, Southland

Mason Head, Southland

Masons Hill, Southland

Masson Creek, Southland

Masson Creek, Southland

Master Head, Southland

Master Ridge, Southland

Matador, Southland

Matai Island, Southland

Mataura, Southland

Mataura Island, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Mataura River, Southland

Matterhorn, Southland

Mavora Walkway, Southland

Mavora Walkway, Southland

McArthurs Creek, Southland

McArthurs Head, Southland

McBrides Peninsula, Southland

McClimont Peak, Southland

McCrimmons Hut, Southland

McDonald Creek, Southland

McDonnell Peak, Southland

McIvor Burn, Southland

McIvor Creek, Southland

McIvors Hill, Southland

McKellar Stream, Southland

McKellar Stream, Southland

McKellar Stream, Southland

McKenzie Burn, Southland

McKenzie Creek, Southland

McKenzie Creek, Southland

McKenzie Falls, Southland

McKenzie Lagoon, Southland

McKerchar Creek, Southland

McKerr Point, Southland

McKerrow Island Hut, Southland

McLean Peaks, Southland

McNab, Southland

McQueen Creek, Southland

Meadow Burn, Southland

Meadowland Farm, Southland

Medley Peak, Southland

Melford Downs, Southland

Melita Falls, Southland

Melita Peak, Southland

Melita Stream, Southland

Memory Point, Southland

Menzies Ferry, Southland

Merrivale, Southland

Merrivale, Southland

Merry Creek, Southland

Merton Creek, Southland

Merton Creek, Southland

Mervyn Island, Southland

Mica Burn, Southland

Micrometer Rock and Reef, Southland

Mid Burn, Southland

Mid Dome, Southland

Middle Creek, Southland

Middle Creek, Southland

Middle Fiord, Southland

Middle Fiord, Southland

Middle Peak, Southland

Middle Peak, Southland

Midlands, Southland

Midnight Creek, Southland

Midnight Hill, Southland

Mihj Peak, Southland

Mike River, Southland

Milford Sound, Southland

Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, Southland

Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, Southland

Milford Track, Southland

Milford Track, Southland

Milford Track, Southland

Milford Track, Southland

Milford Track, Southland

Mill Creek, Southland

Mill Creek, Southland

Mill Creek, Southland

Mill Creek, Southland

Mill Creek, Southland

Mill Hills/Ponderosa, Southland

Mill Road, Southland

Millars Beach, Southland

Millenium Track, Southland

Miller Peak, Southland

Mills Peak, Southland

Milner Ice Stream, Southland

Milton Farm, Southland

Mimihau, Southland

Mimihau Stream, Southland

Mimihau Stream, Southland

Mimihau Stream North Branch, Southland

Mimihau Stream North Branch, Southland

Mimihau Stream North Branch, Southland

Mimihau Stream South Branch, Southland

Mimihau Stream South Branch, Southland

Mintaro Hut, Southland

Mirror Lake, Southland

Mirza, Southland

Misery Bay, Southland

Mistake Creek, Southland

Misty River, Southland

Misty River, Southland

Misty Tarn, Southland

Mitchells Bay, Southland

Mitchells Hut, Southland

Mitis Peak, Southland

Mitre Peak, Southland

Moa Creek, Southland

Moa Point, Southland

Moana Putakitaki Lagoon, Southland

Moat Creek, Southland

Moavale, Southland

Moffat Creek, Southland

Moffat Peak, Southland

Mokiiti/Little Moggy Island, Southland

Mokinui/Big Moggy Island, Southland

Mokomoko Inlet, Southland

Mokoreta, Southland

Mokoreta, Southland

Mokoreta River, Southland

Mokoreta River, Southland

Mokoreta River, Southland

Mokotua, Southland

Mokotua Stream, Southland

Monamore, Southland

Monkey Creek, Southland

Monkey Island, Southland

Monowai, Southland

Monowai Hut, Southland

Monowai River, Southland

Monowai River, Southland

Monowai River Lodge, Southland

Montevue, Southland

Monument, Southland

Monymusk, Southland

Moonlight Beach, Southland

Moonlight Point, Southland

Moonlight Point, Southland

Moonlight Saddle, Southland

Moonlight Station, Southland

Moose Lake, Southland

Moraine Creek, Southland

Moray Bush, Southland

Morefield Farms, Southland

Morley Hill, Southland

Morley Stream, Southland

Morley Stream, Southland

Morley Stream, Southland

Morley Stream, Southland

Morton Mains, Southland

Moses Corner, Southland

Moses Nugget, Southland

Mosquito Creek, Southland

Mosquito Point, Southland

Moss Burn, Southland

Moss Burn, Southland

Moss Burn, Southland

Moss Burn, Southland

Moss Burn, Southland

Mossburn, Southland

Motu Rimu, Southland

Motuhora, Southland

Motunui/Edwards Island, Southland

Moturau Hut, Southland

Moulin Creek, Southland

Mount Ada, Southland

Mount Aitkin, Southland

Mount Alexander, Southland

Mount Alexander, Southland

Mount Alfred, Southland

Mount Allen, Southland

Mount Allison, Southland

Mount Anau, Southland

Mount Anderson, Southland

Mount Anglem/Hananui, Southland

Mount Annetta, Southland

Mount Antoinette, Southland

Mount Bain, Southland

Mount Baird, Southland

Mount Balloon, Southland

Mount Barber, Southland

Mount Barton, Southland

Mount Bates, Southland

Mount Beck, Southland

Mount Bee Bunkrooms, Southland

Mount Belle, Southland

Mount Bradshaw, Southland

Mount Burnett, Southland

Mount Burns, Southland

Mount Cameron, Southland

Mount Campbell, Southland

Mount Cerberus, Southland

Mount Charlton, Southland

Mount Chisholm, Southland

Mount Christina, Southland

Mount Clerke, Southland

Mount Crescent, Southland

Mount Crosscut, Southland

Mount Crowfoot, Southland

Mount Cusack, Southland

Mount Cuthbert, Southland

Mount Danae, Southland

Mount Danger, Southland

Mount Daniel, Southland

Mount Darby, Southland

Mount Dick, Southland

Mount Donald, Southland

Mount Dot, Southland

Mount Edgar, Southland

Mount Edgecumbe, Southland

Mount Eglinton, Southland

Mount Egremont, Southland

Mount Elder, Southland

Mount Eldon, Southland

Mount Elliot, Southland

Mount Elwood, Southland

Mount Evans, Southland

Mount Fairfax, Southland

Mount Fannin, Southland

Mount Fisher, Southland

Mount Fitchett, Southland

Mount Florence, Southland

Mount Forbes, Southland

Mount Forbes, Southland

Mount Forster, Southland

Mount Fowler, Southland

Mount Franklin, Southland

Mount Gates, Southland

Mount Gendarme, Southland

Mount George, Southland

Mount Gifford, Southland

Mount Gladstone, Southland

Mount Grave, Southland

Mount Gray, Southland

Mount Grono, Southland

Mount Gunn, Southland

Mount Hall, Southland

Mount Hamilton, Southland

Mount Hart, Southland

Mount Henry, Southland

Mount Herbert, Southland

Mount Herbert, Southland

Mount Hodges, Southland

Mount Horatio, Southland

Mount Inaccessible, Southland

Mount Irene, Southland

Mount Isolation, Southland

Mount Kane, Southland

Mount Kellard, Southland

Mount Kepka, Southland

Mount Kidd, Southland

Mount Linton, Southland

Mount Linton, Southland

Mount Longsight, Southland

Mount Lookup, Southland

Mount Lort, Southland

Mount Luxmore, Southland

Mount Lyall, Southland

Mount Lyall, Southland

Mount Lyttle, Southland

Mount Mackenzie, Southland

Mount Madeline, Southland

Mount Mahere, Southland

Mount Mainwaring, Southland

Mount Martin, Southland

Mount Maury, Southland

Mount Mavora, Southland

Mount Max, Southland

Mount McCorley, Southland

Mount McDougall, Southland

Mount McGavock, Southland

Mount McGulsh, Southland

Mount McKenzie, Southland

Mount McPherson, Southland

Mount Memphis, Southland

Mount Menteath, Southland

Mount Milne, Southland

Mount Mitchelson, Southland

Mount Moir, Southland

Mount Moturau, Southland

Mount Murrell, Southland

Mount Namu, Southland

Mount Nantes, Southland

Mount Napier, Southland

Mount Nichols, Southland

Mount Noble, Southland

Mount Owen, Southland

Mount Parariki, Southland

Mount Park, Southland

Mount Parker, Southland

Mount Patanga, Southland

Mount Patten, Southland

Mount Patuki, Southland

Mount Paulina, Southland

Mount Peel, Southland

Mount Pember, Southland

Mount Pembroke, Southland

Mount Pender, Southland

Mount Philipps, Southland

Mount Philipps, Southland

Mount Pickering, Southland

Mount Pillans, Southland

Mount Pisgah, Southland

Mount Plaisted, Southland

Mount Pluvius, Southland

Mount Prospect, Southland

Mount Prospect, Southland

Mount Puteketeke, Southland

Mount Pyke, Southland

Mount Rakeahua, Southland

Mount Reeves, Southland

Mount Revelation, Southland

Mount Richards, Southland

Mount Richardson, Southland

Mount Richmond, Southland

Mount Roa, Southland

Mount Rouse, Southland

Mount Scott, Southland

Mount Soaker, Southland

Mount Solitary, Southland

Mount Sparrman, Southland

Mount Suter, Southland

Mount Sutherland, Southland

Mount Syme, Southland

Mount Talbot, Southland

Mount Tanilba, Southland

Mount Tarewai, Southland

Mount Te Wera, Southland

Mount Temple, Southland

Mount Tennyson, Southland

Mount Terres, Southland

Mount Thompson, Southland

Mount Thornton, Southland

Mount Thunder, Southland

Mount Tinsley, Southland

Mount Titiroa, Southland

Mount Troup, Southland

Mount Tuhawaiki, Southland

Mount Tutoko, Southland

Mount Underwood, Southland

Mount Vera, Southland

Mount Wales, Southland

Mount Wallis, Southland

Mount Ward, Southland

Mount Watson, Southland

Mount Webb, Southland

Mount Wendon, Southland

Mount Wendon, Southland

Mount Wera, Southland

Mount Wilmot, Southland

Mount Wilmur, Southland

Mount York, Southland

Mount York, Southland

Mountain View, Southland

Mountain View Downs, Southland

Mourne Grove, Southland

Mouse Back, Southland

Muddy Creek, Southland

Mudflat Island, Southland

Murcott Burn, Southland

Murderers Cove, Southland

Murphy Island, Southland

Murray Beach, Southland

Murray Burn, Southland

Murray Creek, Southland

Murray Creek, Southland

Murray Creek, Southland

Murray Creek, Southland

Murray River, Southland

Murrays Mistake, Southland

Murrells Pass, Southland

Muscle Cove, Southland

Musket Bay, Southland

Mussel Beach, Southland

Mussel Cove, Southland

Mutiny Peak, Southland

Myross Bush, Southland

Myross Creek, Southland

Mystery Burn, Southland

Myth Tarn, Southland

NORTH RANGE, Southland

Namu River, Southland

Namu River, Southland

Nancy Sound, Southland

Nancy Sound, Southland

Narrow Bend, Southland

Narrow Neck, Southland

Narrows, Southland

Narrows Creek, Southland

Nathans Island, Southland

Native Island, Southland

Neale Burn, Southland

Neale Burn, Southland

Neck Cove, Southland

Nee Islets, Southland

Needle Peak, Southland

Nelly Island, Southland

Nereus Peak, Southland

New River Estuary, Southland

New Windsor, Southland

Newfield, Southland

Newton Beach, Southland

Newton Creek, Southland

Newton Creek, Southland

Newton River, Southland

Newton Rock, Southland

Ngapari, Southland

Ngapunatoru Pass, Southland

Ngatimamoe Peak, Southland

Niagara, Southland

Nicholson Harbour, Southland

Nightcaps, Southland

Nine Fathoms Passage, Southland

Niobe Peak, Southland

Nita Creek, Southland

Nita Peak, Southland

Nithdale, Southland

Nitz Creek, Southland

Nitz Creek, Southland

No Mans Beach, Southland

No. 1 Creek, Southland

No. 2 Creek, Southland

No. 3 Creek, Southland

No. 4 Creek, Southland

Noble Island, Southland

Nokomai, Southland

Nokomai, Southland

Nokomai River, Southland

Nokomai River, Southland

Nokomai River, Southland

Nomans Island, Southland

Noon Extreme, Southland

North Arm, Southland

North Arm, Southland

North Arm, Southland

North Arm, Southland

North Arm Hut, Southland

North Arm Point, Southland

North Beach, Southland

North Big Glory Hunters Hut, Southland

North Borland Hut, Southland

North Braxton, Southland

North Braxton Burn, Southland

North Channel, Southland

North Col, Southland

North Drain, Southland

North Drain, Southland

North Etal Creek, Southland

North Fern Burn, Southland

North Fiord, Southland

North Head, Southland

North Head, Southland

North Head Stream, Southland

North Island, Southland

North Mavora Lake, Southland

North Peak, Southland

North Peak, Southland

North Peak Stream, Southland

North Peak Stream, Southland

North Pegasus Hunters Hut, Southland

North Port, Southland

North Red Head, Southland

North Tikotatahi Hunters Hut, Southland

North West Arm, Southland

North West Bay, Southland

North West Bay, Southland

North West Circuit Track, Southland

North West Circuit Track, Southland

North West Circuit Track, Southland

Northope, Southland

Northspoon, Southland

Nugget Hill, Southland

Nugget Point, Southland

Nuggety Gully, Southland

Nurse Creek, Southland

O Hoka Stream, Southland

O'Leary Pass, Southland


Oak Haven, Southland

Oatley Hill, Southland

Oblong Hill, Southland

Observation Creek, Southland

Observation Point, Southland

Observation Rock, Southland

Observation Rock, Southland

Occasional Cove, Southland

Ocean Beach, Southland

Ocean Beach, Southland

Ocean Peak, Southland

Odyssey Peak, Southland

Ogles Creek, Southland

Ogles Point, Southland

Ohai, Southland

Oho Creek, Southland

Oho Creek, Southland

Oho Saddle, Southland

Oilskin Pass, Southland

Okaiterua Stream, Southland

Okaka Hut, Southland

Okapua Creek, Southland

Okapua Creek, Southland

Oke Island, Southland

Old Hut Creek, Southland

Old Hut Creek, Southland

Old Man Rock, Southland

Old Mill Nugget, Southland

Old Point, Southland

Olivine Falls, Southland

Olivine Hut, Southland

Olivine River, Southland

Olivine River, Southland

Olphert Cove, Southland

Omaki Stream, Southland

Omapere Rock, Southland

Omaui, Southland

Omaui Island, Southland

One Tree Rock, Southland

Ongaruanuku, Southland

Only Islands, Southland

Oonah Burn, Southland

Open Cove, Southland

Opio, Southland

Opio Stream, Southland

Opio Stream, Southland

Oporo, Southland

Opouriki Stream, Southland

Opouriki Stream, Southland

Oraka, Southland

Oraka Point, Southland

Orauea River, Southland

Orauea River, Southland

Orauea Stream, Southland

Orauea Stream, Southland

Orawia, Southland

Orepuki, Southland

Orepuki Creek, Southland

Oreti Beach, Southland

Oreti Beach, Southland

Oreti Hut, Southland

Oreti Plains, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Oreti River, Southland

Ormsary, Southland

Orphans Rock, Southland

Oswald Stream, Southland

Ota Creek, Southland

Ota Creek, Southland

Ota Creek, Southland

Ota Creek, Southland

Otago Point, Southland

Otago Retreat, Southland

Otago Retreat, Southland

Otahu Bush, Southland

Otahu Flat, Southland

Otahuti, Southland

Otaitai Bush, Southland

Otakaramu North Branch, Southland

Otakaramu South Branch, Southland

Otakau Creek, Southland

Otama, Southland

Otama, Southland

Otama Creek, Southland

Otama Creek, Southland

Otamita, Southland

Otamita Stream, Southland

Otamita Stream, Southland

Otamita Stream, Southland

Otapiri, Southland

Otapiri Downs, Southland

Otapiri Gorge, Southland

Otapiri Peak, Southland

Otapiri Stream, Southland

Otapiri Stream, Southland

Otapiri Stream, Southland

Otapiri Stream, Southland

Otapiri Stream, Southland

Otara, Southland

Otaraia, Southland

Otaraia Hill, Southland

Otatara, Southland

Otautau, Southland

Otautau Stream, Southland

Otepuni Creek, Southland

Oteramika, Southland

Oteramika Creek, Southland

Othello, Southland

Otikerama, Southland

Ouki Creek, Southland

Ourawera Stream, Southland

Overhead Cone, Southland

Overlander Stream, Southland

Overseen Peak, Southland

Oware, Southland

Oware Stream, Southland

Owen Head, Southland

Oyster Bay, Southland




Pack Point, Southland

Paddock Hill, Southland

Paddy Point, Southland

Paddys Alley, Southland

Paddys Creek, Southland

Paddys Milestone, Southland

Paget Passage, Southland

Paget Point, Southland

Pahia, Southland

Pahia Hill, Southland

Pahia Point, Southland

Pahiri Peak, Southland

Pakihaukea Pass, Southland

Pandora River, Southland

Pandora River, Southland

Papatiki Bay, Southland

Papatotara, Southland

Papatotara, Southland

Parangiaio Point, Southland

Paranui Peak, Southland

Parawa, Southland

Park Pass, Southland

Park View, Southland

Parrot Island, Southland

Pass Creek, Southland

Passage Islands, Southland

Passage Islands, Southland

Passage Point, Southland

Patea Passage, Southland

Pater Point, Southland

Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera, Southland

Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera, Southland

Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wera, Southland

Patience Bay, Southland

Patupahe Bay, Southland

Paua Beach, Southland

Paulin Creek, Southland

Pawnbroker Rock, Southland

Peanut Stream, Southland

Pearl Harbour, Southland

Pearl Island, Southland

Pebbly Hill, Southland

Peel Stream, Southland

Pegasus Creek, Southland

Pegasus Passage, Southland

Pembroke Creek, Southland

Pembroke Glacier, Southland

Pender Point, Southland

Pendulo Reach, Southland

Penguin Rock, Southland

Peninsula Point, Southland

Percy Burn, Southland

Percy Burn Viaduct, Southland

Percy Saddle, Southland

Percy Shelter, Southland

Percy Stream, Southland

Percy Stream, Southland

Percy Stream, Southland

Perenuka, Southland

Peridot Stream, Southland

Peridot Stream, Southland

Perpendicular Peak, Southland

Persephone Col, Southland

Peters Bush, Southland

Peters Point, Southland

Petersen Creek, Southland

Peterson Hill, Southland

Petrel Islands, Southland

Philipson Burn, Southland

Phillips Point, Southland

Phoenix Gully, Southland

Piano Flat, Southland

Piano Flat Domain, Southland

Pic d'Argent Col, Southland

Picador, Southland

Pick Creek, Southland

Pickersgill Harbour, Southland

Pierced Rock, Southland

Pig Creek, Southland

Pig Creek, Southland

Pig Creek, Southland

Pig Island, Southland

Pigeon House, Southland

Pigeon Island, Southland

Pihore Island, Southland

Pikaroro Bay, Southland

Pikaroro Point, Southland

Piko Piko, Southland

Pillans Pass, Southland

Pillar Rock, Southland

Pinch Gut, Southland

Pine Bush, Southland

Pine Grove, Southland

Pinevale, Southland

Pinewood Farm, Southland

Pinnacle, Southland

Pinnacle, Southland

Pinnacle Rock, Southland

Pipi Rocks, Southland

Pipi Tuaraki Stream, Southland

Pipiwai, Southland

Pisgah Creek, Southland

Pitt River, Southland

Plateau Creek, Southland

Plato Creek, Southland

Pleasant Bay, Southland

Pleasant Creek, Southland

Pohatu, Southland

Pohowaitai Island, Southland

Point Burn, Southland

Point Burn, Southland

Point Campbell, Southland

Point Jones, Southland

Point Miller, Southland

Poison Bay, Southland

Polybank Shoal, Southland

Pomatakiarehua Island, Southland

Pomona Island, Southland

Pompolona Lodge, Southland

Pond Burn, Southland

Pond Burn, Southland

Pond Burn Hut, Southland

Porpoise Bay, Southland

Porpoise Point, Southland

Port Adventure, Southland

Port Adventure Hunters Hut, Southland

Port Craig, Southland

Port Craig School Hut, Southland

Port Craig Village, Southland

Port Pegasus / Pikihatiti, Southland

Port William Hut, Southland

Port William/Potirepo, Southland

Poseidon Creek, Southland

Poseidon Creek, Southland

Poseidon Peak, Southland

Possibility Col, Southland

Post Office Creek, Southland

Post Office Point, Southland

Poteriteri Peak, Southland

Potted Head, Southland

Potters, Southland

Potters Creek, Southland

Potters Huts, Southland

Potters No. 2, Southland

Potuatua Island, Southland

Pouahiri Creek, Southland

Pourakino River, Southland

Pourakino River, Southland

Pourakino River, Southland

Pourakino Valley, Southland

Poutama Island, Southland

Poutama Passage, Southland

Precipice Cove, Southland

Precipice Peak, Southland

Preservation Inlet, Southland

Preservation Inlet, Southland

Pretty Hill, Southland

Prices Beach, Southland

Prices Harbour, Southland

Prices Inlet, Southland

Prices Point, Southland

Prices Point, Southland

Pridham Point, Southland

Princess Burn, Southland

Princess Burn, Southland

Princess Burn, Southland

Princhester Creek, Southland

Princhester Creek East Branch, Southland

Princhester Creek West Branch, Southland

Princhester Creek West Branch, Southland

Princhester Creek West Branch, Southland

Priory Bushes, Southland

Proclamation Islets, Southland

Productus Creek, Southland

Professor Creek, Southland

Progress Valley, Southland

Prong Lake, Southland

Prospect Creek, Southland

Prospector Peak, Southland

Prospectors Bay, Southland

Prove Island, Southland

Providence Rocks, Southland

Pryse Peak, Southland

Pudding Hill, Southland

Puke Mimihau, Southland

Pukemaire (The Cap), Southland

Pukemaori, Southland

Pukemutu, Southland

Pukerau, Southland

Pukerau Stream, Southland

Puketuroto Peak, Southland

Pukewao, Southland

Pukeweka Island, Southland

Pukuparara Island, Southland

Putatara (Rugged) Point, Southland

Putauhina Island, Southland

Putauhina Nuggets, Southland

Puwai Bay, Southland

Puysegur Point, Southland

Pyke Big Bay Route, Southland

Pyke Big Bay Route, Southland

Pyke Big Bay Route, Southland

Pyke Big Bay Route, Southland

Pyke Gorge, Southland

Pyke Gorge, Southland

Pyke Lodge, Southland

Pyke River, Southland

Pyke River, Southland

Pyke River, Southland

Pyke River, Southland

Pyramid, Southland

Pyramid Creek, Southland

Pyramid Peak, Southland

Quarry Hills, Southland

Queens Park, Southland

Queens Reach, Southland

Quintano Point, Southland

Quintin Lodge, Southland

Quoich Creek, Southland

ROUND DOWNS, Southland

ROUND DOWNS, Southland





Rabbit Island, Southland

Raema Downs, Southland

Raggedy Hill, Southland

Rainbow Creek, Southland

Rainbow Downs, Southland

Rainbow Lake, Southland

Rainbow Reach, Southland

Rakahouka, Southland

Rakeahua Hut, Southland

Rakeahua River, Southland

Rakeahua River, Southland

Rakiura Track, Southland

Rakiura Track, Southland

Ram Hill, Southland

Ram Hill Stream, Southland

Ranfurly Falls, Southland

Rannoch, Southland

Rannoch Peak, Southland

Ranson Head, Southland

Ranui, Southland

Raratoka Island (Centre Island), Southland

Raratoka Island (Centre Island), Southland

Rat Island, Southland

Rata Burn, Southland

Rata Burn, Southland

Rata Creek, Southland

Rata Point, Southland

Rathfriland, Southland

Ravelston, Southland

Rawiri Bay, Southland

Raymonds Gap, Southland

Razorback, Southland

Rea River, Southland

Reaby Downs, Southland

Rebecca Falls, Southland

Rectory Peak, Southland

Red Beach, Southland

Red Castle, Southland

Red Head, Southland

Red Head Peak, Southland

Red Mountain, Southland

Red Pyke River, Southland

Red Stag Lodge, Southland

Red Stream, Southland

Redan, Southland

Redan Stream, Southland

Redcliff, Southland

Redcliff Creek, Southland

Redcliff Creek, Southland

Redcliff Hut, Southland

Redcliff Wetland Reserve, Southland

Redfern, Southland

Reed Burn, Southland

Reef Point, Southland

Refrigerator Valley, Southland

Refuge Island, Southland

Reids Dale, Southland

Reids Dale Farm, Southland

Remuera, Southland

Rerewhakaupoko Island (Solomon), Southland

Resolution Island, Southland

Resolution Island, Southland

Retford Stream, Southland

Return Channel, Southland

Revelation Peaks, Southland

Revolver Bay, Southland

Revolver Hill, Southland

Rewa Bay, Southland

Ribbon Falls, Southland

Ribbonwood, Southland

Richard Burn, Southland

Richard Burn, Southland

Richards Point, Southland

Richards Point, Southland

Richmond, Southland

Richmond Stream, Southland

Richters Rock, Southland

Rimu, Southland

Ringaringa Beach, Southland

Ringaringa Passage, Southland

Ringaringa Point, Southland

Ringway, Southland

Ringway, Southland

Riverbend Farm, Southland

Riverbrook, Southland

Riversdale, Southland

Riverton/Aparima, Southland

Riverview, Southland

Riverview, Southland

Roa Stream, Southland

Roaring Burn, Southland

Roaring Creek, Southland

Rob Roy Creek, Southland

Rob Roy Run, Southland

Robb Creek, Southland

Robb Saddle, Southland

Roberne, Southland

Robert Creek, Southland

Robert Creek, Southland

Robert Creek, Southland

Robertson River, Southland

Robin Saddle, Southland

Robin Saddle Hut, Southland

Rochford Farm, Southland

Rock Hut, Southland

Rock Top, Southland

Rockdale, Southland

Rocky Head, Southland

Rocky Knob, Southland

Rocky Mount, Southland

Rocky Mountain, Southland

Rocky Peak, Southland

Rocky Point, Southland

Rocky Point, Southland

Rocky Point, Southland

Rocky Point Hut, Southland

Rocky Stream, Southland

Rocky Top, Southland

Roderiques Anchorage, Southland

Rodger Inlet, Southland

Rodger Inlet Hut, Southland

Rodger Inlet Hut - A Frame, Southland

Roe Burn, Southland

Roger Bay, Southland

Roger Head, Southland

Rogers Point, Southland

Rokatu, Southland

Rolla Island, Southland

Rollers Beach, Southland

Rolling Ridges, Southland

Romney Downs, Southland

Rona Island, Southland

Rooney River, Southland

Rooney River, Southland

Rosa Island, Southland

Rose 'n' Reel, Southland

Rosedale, Southland

Rosehill, Southland

Rosemarkie, Southland

Roslyn Bush, Southland

Roslyn Downs, Southland

Ross Creek, Southland

Ross Creek, Southland

Ross Hut, Southland

Ross Spur, Southland

Rossland, Southland

Rough Point, Southland

Round Down, Southland

Round Head, Southland

Round Hill, Southland

Round Hill, Southland

Round Hill, Southland

Round Hill, Southland

Round Hill, Southland

Round Island, Southland

Rounding Point, Southland

Routeburn Track, Southland

Routeburn Track, Southland

Rover Peak, Southland

Rowallan Burn, Southland

Rowallan Burn East Branch, Southland

Rowallan Burn East Branch, Southland

Rowallan Burn West Branch, Southland

Roys Beach, Southland

Ruahine, Southland

Ruahine Hill, Southland

Ruapuke Island, Southland

Ruby Beach, Southland

Ruby Beach, Southland

Ruby Creek, Southland

Rugged Burn, Southland

Rugged Islands, Southland

Rugged Mount, Southland

Rugged Mountain, Southland

Rugged Peak, Southland

Ruggedy Flat, Southland

Ruggedy Flat, Southland

Ruggedy Passage, Southland

Ruggedy Stream, Southland

Ruhtra Stream, Southland

Rukawahakura Island, Southland

Rum Gully, Southland

Rum River, Southland

Rum River, Southland

Rurikaka Creek, Southland

Russet Burn, Southland

Russet Burn, Southland

Russlands, Southland

Ryal Bush, Southland

Ryans Creek, Southland

Ryans Creek Walk, Southland

SARA HILLS, Southland





SLATE RANGE, Southland





Sabre Peak, Southland

Saddle Back Peak, Southland

Saddle Creek, Southland

Saddle Creek, Southland

Saddle Creek, Southland

Saddle Hill, Southland

Saddle Hill, Southland

Saddle Hill, Southland

Saddle Point, Southland

Saddle Stream, Southland

Safe Cove, Southland

Safe Cove, Southland

Sailors Rest, Southland

Saint Anne Point, Southland

Saint Marys Falls, Southland

Saint Pauls Dome, Southland

Saint Quintin Falls, Southland

Saints Creek, Southland

Salty Beach, Southland

Sand Hill Point, Southland

Sand Hill Viaduct, Southland

Sandfly Creek, Southland

Sandfly Point, Southland

Sandfly Point, Southland

Sandfly Point, Southland

Sandfly Point Shelter, Southland

Sandhill Beach, Southland

Sandstone, Southland

Sandstone Creek, Southland

Sandstone Stream, Southland

Sandy Hill, Southland

Sandy Point, Southland

Sandy Point, Southland

Sara Hill, Southland

Sarah Cove, Southland

Sawdust Bay, Southland

Sawdust Bay, Southland

Sawmill Flat, Southland

Sawyers Beach, Southland

Scaldfeld Creek, Southland

Scaldfeld Creek, Southland

Schoolhouse Point (Chasland), Southland

Schooner Point, Southland

Scollay Rocks, Southland

Scott Burn, Southland

Scott Burn, Southland

Scotts Gap, Southland

Scout Bay, Southland

Scrubby Creek, Southland

Scrubby Hill, Southland

Scrubby Spur, Southland

Sea View Peak, Southland

Seabreeze Point, Southland

Seaforth River, Southland

Seaforth River, Southland

Seaforth River, Southland

Seaforth River, Southland

Seaforth River, Southland

Seal Creek, Southland

Seal Islands, Southland

Seal Point, Southland

Seal Rock, Southland

Seal Rock, Southland

Seal Rock, Southland

Seal Rocks, Southland

Sealers Bay, Southland

Sealers Bay, Southland

Sealers Cave, Southland

Sealers No 1 Creek, Southland

Sealers No 2 Creek, Southland

Sealy Glacier, Southland

Sealy Stream, Southland

Seaview, Southland

Seaward Downs, Southland

Seaward Downs Reserve, Southland

Seaward Reserve, Southland

Second Cove, Southland

Second Peak, Southland

Secretary Island, Southland

Secretary Island, Southland

Secretary Lake, Southland

Seek Cove, Southland

Selwyn Creek, Southland

Serpentine Saddle, Southland

Sevenoaks, Southland

Seventy Fathoms Point, Southland

Seymour Island, Southland

Shades Beach, Southland

Shag Islands, Southland

Shag Point, Southland

Shag River, Southland

Shag Rock, Southland

Shallow Bay, Southland

Shallow Bay, Southland

Shallow Bay Hut, Southland

Shallow Creek, Southland

Shallow Lake, Southland

Shand Bay, Southland

Shanks Head, Southland

Shark Cove, Southland

Shark Island, Southland

Sharks Bay Creek, Southland

Sharks Tooth Hill, Southland

Sharp Head, Southland

Sharpridge, Southland

Sharpridge, Southland

Sharpridge, Southland

Sharpridge Creek, Southland

Sharpridge Creek, Southland

Sheathknife Bay, Southland

Sheepwash Creek, Southland

Sheepwash Creek, Southland

Sheerdown Peak, Southland

Sheerwall Creek, Southland

Shelter Cove, Southland

Shelter Cove, Southland

Shelter Islands, Southland

Shelter Point, Southland

Shelter Point, Southland

Shelter Point, Southland

Shepherd Creek, Southland

Shepherd Saddle, Southland

Shepherds Creek, Southland

Shepherds Creek Hut, Southland

Ship Cone/Otaupiri, Southland

Shipbuilders Cove, Southland

Shirkers Bush, Southland

Shirley Falls, Southland

Shoal Cove, Southland

Shoal Point, Southland

Sholl Stream, Southland

Sholl Stream, Southland

Short Spur, Southland

Shoulder Hill, Southland

Shy Lake, Southland

Silver Glacier, Southland

Silver Stream, Southland

Silver Stream, Southland

Silver Stream, Southland

Silver Stream, Southland

Silverlane Farm, Southland

Silvertown, Southland

Simonin Stream, Southland

Simonin Stream, Southland

Sinbad Gully, Southland

Sinbads Mistake, Southland

Single Tree Island, Southland

Sinks Bridge, Southland

Skeleton Lakes, Southland

Skelmorlie Peak, Southland

Slab Lookout, Southland

Slaughterburn Hut, Southland

Slaughterhouse Creek, Southland

Slip Creek, Southland

Slip Hill, Southland

Slope Point, Southland

Slope Point, Southland

Small Craft Harbour Islands, Southland

Small Craft Harbour Islands, Southland

Small Craft Retreat, Southland

Smiths Lookout, Southland

Smithy Creek, Southland

Smithy Creek, Southland

Smoky Beach, Southland

Smoky Creek, Southland

Smoky Rock, Southland

Smooth Peak, Southland

Smooth Point, Southland

Snag Burn, Southland

Snow White Clearing, Southland

Snow White Creek, Southland

Snowdon Peak, Southland

Snowview, Southland

Snug Cove, Southland

So Big Creek, Southland

Solander Island (Hautere), Southland

Solitary Cone, Southland

Solitary Peak, Southland

South Arm, Southland

South Arm, Southland

South Arm, Southland

South Bay, Southland

South Braxton, Southland

South Braxton Burn, Southland

South Cape/Whiore, Southland

South Coast Track, Southland

South Coast Track, Southland

South Coast Track, Southland

South Drain, Southland

South Drain, Southland

South Fern Burn, Southland

South Fiord, Southland

South Fiord, Southland

South Head, Southland

South Hillend, Southland

South Islets, Southland

South Mavora Lake, Southland

South Passage, Southland

South Peak, Southland

South Pegasus Hunters Hut, Southland

South Point, Southland

South Point, Southland

South Port, Southland

South Port, Southland

South Red Head Point, Southland

South West Arm, Southland

South West Arm, Southland

South West Arm, Southland

South West Arm Hunters Hut, Southland

South West Bay, Southland

South West Cape/Puhiwaero, Southland

South West Point, Southland

Southern Comfort, Southland

Southern Cross Creek, Southland

Sows Gap, Southland

Spar Bush, Southland

Spear Peak, Southland

Spence Burn, Southland

Spence Burn, Southland

Spence Hut, Southland

Spence Peak, Southland

Spey River, Southland

Spey River, Southland

Sphinx Lake, Southland

Spire Peak, Southland

Spirit Burn, Southland

Spit Islands, Southland

Sportsman Cove, Southland

Spot Hill, Southland

Sprat Point, Southland

Springfield, Southland

Springfield, Southland

Springhills, Southland

Springvale, Southland

Spurhead Creek, Southland

Square Top, Southland

St Patricks, Southland

Stag Pass, Southland

Stag Stream, Southland

Staircase Creek, Southland

Staircase Rapids, Southland

Staircase Saddle, Southland

Stantley Burn Hut, Southland

Starvation Creek, Southland

Station Burn, Southland

Station Island, Southland

Station Islet, Southland

Station Ridge, Southland

Steep Creek, Southland

Steep Head, Southland

Steep Head, Southland

Steep Hill, Southland

Steep Peak, Southland

Steep-to Island, Southland

Steeple, Southland

Steeple Burn, Southland

Steeple Burn, Southland

Steeple Burn, Southland

Stella Burn, Southland

Stephens Peak, Southland

Steven Burn, Southland

Stevens Burn, Southland

Stevens Cove, Southland

Stevens Falls, Southland

Stevens Farm, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stewart Island/Rakiura, Southland

Stickup Creek, Southland

Stillwater River, Southland

Stillwater River, Southland

Stillwater River, Southland

Stina Burn, Southland

Stinking Creek, Southland

Stinking Creek, Southland

Stirling Falls, Southland

Stirling Head, Southland

Stirling Point, Southland

Stockyard Cove, Southland

Stony Creek, Southland

Stony Creek, Southland

Stony Creek, Southland

Stony Point, Southland

Stop Island, Southland

Straggle Head, Southland

Strathern, Southland

Stripe Head, Southland

Stripe Point, Southland

Stronach Hut, Southland

Stuart Farm, Southland

Stucks Hill, Southland

Students Peak, Southland

Stump Lake, Southland

Styles Island, Southland

Sugar Loaf, Southland

Sugarloaf, Southland

Sullivan Hut, Southland

Sunday Cove, Southland

Sunny Creek, Southland

Sunnyside, Southland

Sunnyside, Southland

Sunnyvale, Southland

Sunset Peak, Southland

Sunshine Hut, Southland

Supper Cove, Southland

Supper Cove Hut, Southland

Supply Bay, Southland

Surf Head, Southland

Surgeon Bay, Southland

Surprise Bay, Southland

Surprise Creek, Southland

Surveyors Bay, Southland

Sutherland Falls, Southland

Sutherland Sound, Southland

Swains Beach, Southland

Swamp Creek, Southland

Swan Creek, Southland

Swan Mere, Southland

Sweep Point, Southland

Sweetacres, Southland

Swinburn Creek, Southland

Sydney Beach, Southland

Sydney Cove, Southland

Sydney Creek, Southland

Sylvan Cove, Southland
















TIN RANGE, Southland




Table Hill, Southland

Table Land, Southland

Table Mount, Southland

Table Ridge, Southland

Table Rock, Southland

Taheke Creek, Southland

Taiaroa Peak, Southland

Taipo Hut, Southland

Takahe Stream, Southland

Takahe Stream, Southland

Takahe Valley, Southland

Takaro Lodge, Southland

Takawini Island, Southland

Talbot Ladder, Southland

Talbot River, Southland

Talbot River, Southland

Talls Point, Southland

Tamaitemioka Island, Southland

Tamatea Peak, Southland

Tamihau Island, Southland

Tan Bar, Southland

Tangney Bend, Southland

Tantalus Peak, Southland

Taoka Icefall, Southland

Taramea Bay, Southland

Taramea Bay, Southland

Taramoa, Southland

Tararua, Southland

Tarawera, Southland

Tarewai Rock, Southland

Taringatura Creek, Southland

Taringatura Hill, Southland

Tarpaulin Beach, Southland

Tatarepo, Southland

Tauatemaku Lagoon, Southland

Taukihepa / Big South Cape Island, Southland

Taunamau Creek, Southland

Taunoa Stream, Southland

Tawera Tarn, Southland

Taylor, Southland

Taylors Bush, Southland

Taylors Bush, Southland

Taylors Creek, Southland

Taylors Stream, Southland

Taylors Stream, Southland

Te Ana-au Glow-Worm Caves, Southland

Te Anau, Southland

Te Anau Aerodrome, Southland

Te Anau Downs, Southland

Te Anau Hill, Southland

Te Ara Kake a Haereroa, Southland

Te Aria, Southland

Te Au Saddle, Southland

Te Awaatu Channel, Southland

Te Awatuiau Lagoon, Southland

Te Hau, Southland

Te Karara Bush, Southland

Te Kiteroa, Southland

Te Mara, Southland

Te Oneroa, Southland

Te Peka, Southland

Te Poupouotu, Southland

Te Puoho Glacier, Southland

Te Tipua, Southland

Te Tua, Southland

Te Waewae, Southland

Te Waewae Bay, Southland

Te Waewae Bay, Southland

Te Waewae Bay, Southland

Te Whata, Southland

Teahimate Bay, Southland

Teal Bay, Southland

Teal Bay Hut, Southland

Teardrop Lake, Southland

Telescope Hill, Southland

Telford Burn, Southland

Telford Hut, Southland

Telford Peak, Southland

Temara, Southland

Tempest Peak, Southland

Tent Flat, Southland

Teretonga Motor Racing Circuit, Southland

Terminal Peak, Southland

Terminus Creek, Southland

Terrace Creek, Southland

Terrace Creek, Southland

Terror Peak, Southland

Tertiary Creek, Southland

The Basin, Southland

The Bastion, Southland

The Bluff/Motupohue, Southland

The Bluffs, Southland

The Brothers, Southland

The Brothers, Southland

The Brothers Point, Southland

The Cairn, Southland

The Chasm, Southland

The Cone, Southland

The Dale, Southland

The Divide, Southland

The Divide Shelter, Southland

The Elbow, Southland

The Elephant, Southland

The Forks, Southland

The Forks, Southland

The Furies Ridge, Southland

The Gorge, Southland

The Gut Hut, Southland

The Gutter, Southland

The Haycocks, Southland

The Haystacks, Southland

The Hub, Southland

The Hump, Southland

The Key, Southland

The Knob, Southland

The Knob, Southland

The Knob, Southland

The Knobbies, Southland

The Knoll, Southland

The Lion, Southland

The Lump, Southland

The Mole, Southland

The Narrows, Southland

The Neck, Southland

The Nightcaps, Southland

The Openings, Southland

The Orchard, Southland

The Outlet, Southland

The Palisades, Southland

The Paps, Southland

The Pate, Southland

The Plains, Southland

The Pocket, Southland

The Ramparts, Southland

The Redan, Southland

The Reservoir, Southland

The Rocks, Southland

The Sentinel, Southland

The Settlement, Southland

The Sisters, Southland

The Sisters, Southland

The Snuggery, Southland

The Stopper, Southland

The Tower, Southland

The Turrets, Southland

The Twins, Southland

The Wilderness, Southland

Theresa Rock, Southland

Thicket Burn, Southland

Third Cove, Southland

Third Peak, Southland

Thistle Do, Southland

Thomas Burn, Southland

Thomas Burn, Southland

Thompson Sound, Southland

Thompson Sound, Southland

Thomson Bay, Southland

Thomson Creek, Southland

Thomsons Bush, Southland

Thomsons Crossing, Southland

Thornbury, Southland

Three Duck Lake, Southland

Three Legged Woodhen, Southland

Three Mile Beach, Southland

Three Mile Beach, Southland

Three Sisters, Southland

Thrum Cap, Southland

Thule Bay, Southland

Thurso River, Southland

Tia Island (Entrance), Southland

Tihaka, Southland

Tikore Island, Southland

Tikotatahi Bay, Southland

Timore Island (Chimneys), Southland

Timpanys, Southland

Tinkertown, Southland

Tiromaunga, Southland

Tironui, Southland

Tisbury, Southland

Titan Huts, Southland

Titan Rocks, Southland

Titi/Muttonbird Islands, Southland

Titi/Muttonbird Islands, Southland

Titi/Muttonbird Islands, Southland

Titi/Muttonbird Islands, Southland

Titipua Stream, Southland

Titipua Stream, Southland

Titipua Stream, Southland

Titiroa, Southland

Titiroa Stream, Southland

Titiroa Stream, Southland

Titiroa Stream, Southland

Titiroa Stream, Southland

Titiroawa, Southland

Tiwai Point, Southland

Todd, Southland

Todd Burn, Southland

Toddy Burn, Southland

Toe Cove, Southland

Toetoes Bay, Southland

Toetoes Bay, Southland

Toetoes Bay, Southland

Toetoes Harbour, Southland

Toitoi Bay, Southland

Toitoi Flat, Southland

Toitoi River, Southland

Tokanui, Southland

Tokanui River, Southland

Tokanui River, Southland

Tokorangi, Southland

Tolson River, Southland

Tolson River, Southland

Tomahawk Gully, Southland

Tommy Island, Southland

Tommy Point, Southland

Tomogalak Stream, Southland

Tomogalak Stream, Southland

Tomogalak Stream, Southland

Tomoporakau Creek, Southland

Topeheti Creek, Southland

Topi Island, Southland

Topuni Track, Southland

Tor Hill, Southland

Torias Corner, Southland

Torre Stream, Southland

Tower Creek, Southland

Tower Hill, Southland

Tower Hills, Southland

Tower Peak, Southland

Tower Peak, Southland

Tower Peak, Southland

Towing Head, Southland

Towing Head Islands, Southland

Track Burn Hut, Southland

Trackly, Southland

Traills Bay, Southland

Traills Hill, Southland

Transit Beach, Southland

Transit River, Southland

Transit River, Southland

Traverse Pass, Southland

Treble Mountain, Southland

Trench Burn, Southland

Trench Burn, Southland

Trevaccoon Head, Southland

Triangle Peak, Southland

Trinity, Southland

Trinity Lakes, Southland

Trinity Pass, Southland

Trinity Stream, Southland

Trio Peaks, Southland

Tripod Hill, Southland

Triton Peak, Southland

Troglodyte, Southland

Trophy Burn, Southland

Trotters Plain, Southland

Trumpeter Point, Southland

Tuaraki Stream, Southland

Tuatapere, Southland

Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track, Southland

Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track, Southland

Tunnel Burn, Southland

Tupari Bay, Southland

Turn Peak, Southland

Turn Point, Southland

Turn Round Hill, Southland

Turn Round Point, Southland

Turnbull Thomson Park, Southland

Turnbull's (Big Dam) Hut, Southland

Turner Falls, Southland

Turner Pass, Southland

Turners Bivouac, Southland

Turpentine, Southland

Tussock Creek, Southland

Tussock Creek, Southland

Tussock Peak, Southland

Tussocklands, Southland

Tutaepawhati Bay, Southland

Tutoko River, Southland

Tutoko River, Southland

Tutu Burn, Southland

Tuturau, Southland

Twilight Bay, Southland

Twin Falls, Southland

Twin Sisters, Southland

Twinlaw, Southland

Two Cove Head, Southland

Two Sisters, Southland

Two Thumb Bay, Southland

Typhoon Peak, Southland

U Pass, Southland


Ulva Island, Southland

Umbrella Flat, Southland

Underwood, Southland

Upper Charlton, Southland

Upper Cromel Hut, Southland

Upper Island Hill, Southland

Upper Princhester Hut, Southland

Upper Spey Hut, Southland

Upper Wairaki Hut, Southland

Upper Windley Hut, Southland

Uppert Oreti Hut, Southland

Ups on Downs, Southland

Upukerora River, Southland

Upukerora River, Southland

Upukerora River, Southland

Upukerora River, Southland

Useless Bay, Southland

Useless Islands, Southland

Utah Island, Southland

Vaila Voe Bay, Southland

Valhalla, Southland

Valley Fields, Southland

Valley Forge, Southland

Valley Peak, Southland

Vancouver Arm, Southland

Venlaw, Southland

Victor Peak, Southland

Victoria Gully, Southland

View Hill, Southland

Viewmount, Southland

Vincent Peak, Southland

Virgil Peak, Southland










Wai-waiata Stream, Southland

Wai-waiata Stream, Southland

Waianiwa, Southland

Waianiwa Creek, Southland

Waianiwa Creek, Southland

Waianiwa Creek, Southland

Waiarikiki, Southland

Waiarikiki Stream, Southland

Waiarikiki Stream, Southland

Waiau, Southland

Waiau Caves, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waiau River, Southland

Waicoe, Southland

Waicoe Creek, Southland

Waicolo Stream, Southland

Waihoaka, Southland

Waihopai, Southland

Waihopai Embankment Walkway, Southland

Waihopai River, Southland

Waihopai River, Southland

Waihopai River, Southland

Waihopai River, Southland

Waikaia, Southland

Waikaia Bush, Southland

Waikaia Hill, Southland

Waikaia Plains, Southland

Waikaia River, Southland

Waikaia River, Southland

Waikaia River, Southland

Waikaia River, Southland

Waikaia River, Southland

Waikaia River East Branch, Southland

Waikaia River East Branch, Southland

Waikaia River West Branch, Southland

Waikaia River West Branch, Southland

Waikaka, Southland

Waikaka, Southland

Waikaka, Southland

Waikaka Stream, Southland

Waikaka Stream, Southland

Waikaka Stream, Southland

Waikaka Stream East Branch, Southland

Waikaka Stream East Branch, Southland

Waikaka Valley, Southland

Waikakapo Stream, Southland

Waikana, Southland

Waikawa, Southland

Waikawa Harbour, Southland

Waikawa Harbour, Southland

Waikawa River, Southland

Waikawa River East Branch, Southland

Waikawa River West Branch, Southland

Waikawa River West Branch, Southland

Waikawa Valley, Southland

Waikiwi, Southland

Waikiwi Stream, Southland

Waikiwi Stream, Southland

Waikiwi Stream, Southland

Waikoau River, Southland

Waikoau River, Southland

Waikoau River North Branch, Southland

Waikoko Stream, Southland

Waikopikopiko Stream, Southland

Waikopikopiko Stream, Southland

Waikouro, Southland

Waikouro, Southland

Waimahaka, Southland

Waimahaka Stream, Southland

Waimatua, Southland

Waimatua or Duck Creek, Southland

Waimatuku, Southland

Waimatuku Stream, Southland

Waimatuku Stream, Southland

Waimatuku Stream, Southland

Waimatuku Stream, Southland

Waimatuku Stream, Southland

Waimea, Southland

Waimea Hill, Southland

Waimea Stream, Southland

Waimea Stream, Southland

Waimea Stream, Southland

Waimea Stream, Southland

Waimea Stream, Southland

Waimeamea River, Southland

Waimeamea River, Southland

Waimotu Creek, Southland

Waimumu, Southland

Waimumu Stream, Southland

Waione, Southland

Waionepu Creek, Southland

Waionepu Creek, Southland

Waipaka Creek, Southland

Waipango, Southland

Waipapa Point, Southland

Waipapa Stream, Southland

Waipapa Stream, Southland

Waiparau Head, Southland

Waiparu, Southland

Waiparu, Southland

Waipohatu Stm, Southland

Waipohatu Stream, Southland

Waipounamu, Southland

Wairaki, Southland

Wairaki Island, Southland

Wairaki Peaks, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairaki River, Southland

Wairau Shoal, Southland

Wairaurahiri Hut, Southland

Wairaurahiri River, Southland

Wairaurahiri River, Southland

Wairaurahiri River, Southland

Wairaurahiri River, Southland

Wairere Stream, Southland

Wairereata Falls, Southland

Wairio, Southland

Wairio Hill, Southland

Wairio Stream, Southland

Wairio Stream, Southland

Wairoto, Southland

Waitane, Southland

Waitangi, Southland

Waitapu Stream, Southland

Waitiri, Southland

Waitokariro Lagoon, Southland

Waitotara, Southland

Waituna, Southland

Waituna, Southland

Waituna Bay, Southland

Waituna Creek, Southland

Waituna Creek, Southland

Waituna Creek, Southland

Waituna Creek, Southland

Waituna Lagoon, Southland

Waitutu Hut, Southland

Waitutu River, Southland

Waitutu River, Southland

Waiuna Lagoon, Southland

Wakapatu, Southland

Wakaputa Point, Southland

Wales Point, Southland

Walker Creek, Southland

Walker Point, Southland

Walker River, Southland

Walkers Hill, Southland

Wallacetown, Southland

Wanganella Cove, Southland

Wantwood, Southland

Wapiti River, Southland

Wapiti River, Southland

Warren Burn, Southland

Warren Creek, Southland

Warruslea Downs, Southland

Warwick Downs, Southland

Wash Creek, Southland

Wash Creek, Southland

Washpool Creek, Southland

Wast Point, Southland

Watercress Beach, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Waterfall Creek, Southland

Watering Cove, Southland

Waterloo, Southland

Waterloo Burn, Southland

Waterloo Peak, Southland

Waterwheel Creek, Southland

Waverley, Southland

Way Spur, Southland

Weaner Footbridge, Southland

Wednesday Peak, Southland

Weelwood Creek, Southland

Weka Burn, Southland

Weka Island, Southland

Weka Reef, Southland

Weka or Long Island, Southland

Wekawai Stream, Southland

Welcombe Bay, Southland

Welcome Point, Southland

Wellwood Bushes, Southland

Welshman Peak, Southland

Welshmans Creek, Southland

Welshmans Creek, Southland

Wendon, Southland

Wendon Stream, Southland

Wendon Valley, Southland

Wendonside, Southland

Wendonside Farm, Southland

Wesney Creek, Southland

West Arm, Southland

West Arm, Southland

West Arm Hut, Southland

West Beach, Southland

West Burn, Southland

West Burn Hut, Southland

West Cape, Southland

West Dome, Southland

West Dome, Southland

West End, Southland

West End Beach, Southland

West Mere, Southland

West Peak, Southland

West Peak, Southland

West Peak, Southland

West Peak, Southland

West Plains, Southland

West Point, Southland

West Point, Southland

West Ruggedy Beach, Southland

Western Passage, Southland

Westfield, Southland

Wet Jacket Arm, Southland

Wether Hill, Southland

Wether Hill, Southland

Wether Hill, Southland

Wether Ridge, Southland

Weydon Burn, Southland

Whale Corner, Southland

Whale Passage, Southland

Whalers Base, Southland

Whalers Bay, Southland

Whare Creek, Southland

Whare Creek, Southland

Whare Creek, Southland

Whare Creek Hut, Southland

Whare Koa, Southland

Wharepuaitaha Island, Southland

Whero Rock, Southland

Whidbey Point, Southland

Whisky Creek, Southland

Whisky Still Creek, Southland

White Cliffs, Southland

White Creek, Southland

White Head, Southland

White Hill, Southland

White Hill, Southland

White Hill, Southland

White Hill, Southland

White Island, Southland

White Peak, Southland

White Rock, Southland

White Rock Point, Southland

White Rocks, Southland

White Umbrella, Southland

Whitecombe, Southland

Whitecoomb Creek, Southland

Whitecoomb Creek, Southland

Whiterigg, Southland

Whitestone Beach, Southland

Whitestone River, Southland

Whitestone River, Southland

Whitestone River, Southland

Whitestone River, Southland

Whitestone River, Southland

Whitewater River, Southland

Wilanda Downs, Southland

Wild Natives River, Southland

Wild Natives River, Southland

William Burn, Southland

Williamson Point, Southland

Willow Bank, Southland

Willowbank, Southland

Willowbank, Southland

Willowbank, Southland

Willowbank Creek, Southland

Willowmere, Southland

Willows, Southland

Wilmot Pass, Southland

Wilmot River, Southland

Wilson River, Southland

Wilson River, Southland

Wilsons Crossing, Southland

Wilsons Point, Southland

Windfall Creek, Southland

Winding Creek, Southland

Windley Creek, Southland

Windley River, Southland

Windley River, Southland

Windley River, Southland

Windon Burn, Southland

Windon Burn, Southland

Windsor, Southland

Windsor Point, Southland

Windward River, Southland

Windy Creek, Southland

Windy Hill, Southland

Windy Point, Southland

Windy River Col, Southland

Winton, Southland

Winton Falls, Southland

Winton Hill, Southland

Winton Peak, Southland

Winton Stream, Southland

Winton Stream, Southland

Winton Stream, Southland

Winton Stream, Southland

Wisely Burn, Southland

Wisely Falls, Southland

Wohlers Monument, Southland

Wolfe Burn, Southland

Wolff River, Southland

Womens Island, Southland

Wood Burn, Southland

Wood Hill, Southland

Woodcutters Peak, Southland

Woodend, Southland

Woodhen Cove, Southland

Woodhen Hill, Southland

Wooding Bay, Southland

Woodlands, Southland

Woodlands, Southland

Woodlands Research Farm, Southland

Woodlaw, Southland

Woodlaw, Southland

Woodrow Burn, Southland

Woodsleo, Southland

Woody Knoll, Southland

Woody Point, Southland

Worsley Arm, Southland

Worsley Hut, Southland

Worsley Pass, Southland

Worsley Stream, Southland

Worsley Stream, Southland

Worsley Stream, Southland

Wreck Creek, Southland

Wreys Bush, Southland

Wrights Bush, Southland

Wyndham, Southland

Wyndham, Southland

Wynne Burn, Southland

Yankee River, Southland

Yankee River Hut, Southland

Yates Point, Southland

Yellow Bluff, Southland

Yerex Reach, Southland

Zero Nugget, Southland

Zero Rock, Southland